Ein Kartellbetrug verwandelt einen mexikanischen Staat in ein Kriegsgebiet

Ein Kartellbetrug verwandelt einen mexikanischen Staat in ein Kriegsgebiet


  1. At what point do we realize that the War on Drugs clearly isn’t working and that having a multi-billion dollar black market is probably the worst thing you could do for public safety?

    We need to address the demand side of this equation – supply side restriction alone clearly isn’t getting it done and hasn’t ever looked particularly promising…

    Some ideas that are worth exploring to add to the approach: https://www.americanprogress.org/article/ending-war-drugs/

    Economic development in Mexico and Central America would also help from a labor supply perspective. We’ve certainly got some past due bills on that front in the region based on our historical “contributions” as the US.

  2. What war on drugs, the CIA actively maintains and taxes the drug trade as it always has.

  3. The US enjoys giant oceans on either side as protection from foreign adversaries. However to the north and south are countries that could one day become powerful and give the US some trouble.

    So what the US does is keep them unstable. The enormous drug related gang violence in mexcio and central america keep them super unstable. They are too busy trying to chase stablity to become strong adversaries one day. And the US needs to keep it that way – Enter the CIA.

    Thats the game my friends

    I thought this is common knowledge? CIA doesn’t deny it… they are doing what needs to be done to keep us safe and the country prosperous. Theres auite literally 100s of articles and interviews from ex cia adents talking about this.


  4. Every few years Mexico’s richest man, Carlos Slim, gives the failing New York Time several million dollars to bail them out. In return, the New York Times only prints what Carlos Slim wants them to print. As much as I believe this story, I can not help but ask if this someone helps the cartels that New York Times’s owning Carlos Slim is allied with? Foriegn nationals control United States media is dangerous especially when they are aligned with Vladimir Putin and Mexican cartels.

  5. Everyone complains about the war on drugs, like okay yes. but what about these powerful organizations? They have insane amounts of money and guns. Do you go full Israel on them? or negotiate with them to make them legit and regulate drugs that can be consumed for recreational purposes?

  6. Only way to fix Mexico is by foreign military interference.

    That’s it.

    Can’t even trust their own military.

  7. The problem starts here with us consuming the drugs that makes the cartels wealthy we need to fix the problem here first.

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