Rich kids are more likely to drink, vape and take drugs before 16

Rich kids are more likely to drink, vape and take drugs before 16

Posted by TimesandSundayTimes

  1. These fuckers buy sugar from us council estate lads at 100 pound a gram. Rocket fuel boys

  2. It’s just another form of neglect, I had very wealthy friends with kids , they would give the kids cash and have no idea what they were up too.

  3. Headline is nonsense,

    A more accurate title would be:

    More affluent kids are more likely to self report that they have drunk / vaped / done drugs before 16. Data was collected from the NHS, I can’t be bothered to look into how the data was collected.

  4. Well yeah, I went to a private school that had a lot of rich kids there. Most were all try hards that pretended to be poor and act/dress like council estate kids, ofc they’d soon get harassed or robbed by those actual council estate kids when they’d cross into their area.

    A lot of them would smoke and drink, hell I knew quite a few that did ket. Their parents didn’t care at all and were totally disinterested in them.

    I was highly unfit and overweight at school and would regularly come in last at our school track day. After we all turned 16, a lot of my peers were heavy smokers that they had less fitness than an obese kid who barely excerised.

    Looking back it’s amazing really since it wasn’t a cheap school but it’s like both the parents and kids never realised the privileged position they had and took advantage of it.

    I was lucky enough to go there because of my learning disability and I was classified as a gifted kid so my fees were paid for by our council (not that they ever wanted to do so) and I never got taken in by all that. I used to feel frustrated by how my parents were but now I realise it came from a place of love.

    Now I’m married, lost all that weight and work in a high end field for a global firm. I don’t keep in touch from any of them but from what I saw a couple years back, most were stuck in dead end jobs or still students (were all in our 30s now)

    I just think it’s amazing how you blow that much money on your kids education for them to end up as a secretary. Not that there’s anything wrong with the job but you’d likely have higher aspirations for your kid if you paid the high fees that school charged.

    Sadly the only kid I remember who ever realised this and remained very humble and hard working died of cancer at 25 right after he graduated from uni. He was the best of all of us and it was tragically ironic that he died when the rest of us who lived such unhealthy lives carried on.

  5. Better tax the middle class parents and pull their private school kids down into the same shitty comprehensive schools as the poors amirite?

    The UK will only be fixed when everyone is equal regardless of talent or effort. 

    That’s the Labour voter way.

  6. Surely this is common sense;

    Lots of time (don’t need a job) + lots of money (lots opportunity) = doing things to prevent boredom like drinking and drugs that require zero effort.

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