Man City accused of trying to run Premier League themselves by rival clubs

Man City accused of trying to run Premier League themselves by rival clubs

by gelliant_gutfright

  1. The club and fan behaviour over this always struck me as weird. The club is suing the PL as they aren’t literally one of the clubs that make up the PL. They voted for the shareholder loan exclusion too, but then suing the PL when it’s convenient. Instead of playing by the rules and accepting the decision of clubs by majority, they seek to distance themselves from league and bully it into submission.

    Fans too, pretending like it’s City vs PL war, forgetting that City is (a part of) the PL. PL leadership is a representative of all clubs including City.

    It’s clear these people don’t give a fuck about the league. It’s a means to an end. They don’t care if they destroy it, they’ll just fuck off to the next big thing when they’re done here

  2. Trying to run the league, even though we’re about to go to court for breaking rules…

    Not doing a very good job are we.

  3. Was the impression that letter/email gave tbf. It absolutely smacked of arrogance

  4. It’s nuts how any club is taking legal action against the league they’re in so they can continue to financially dope and cheat.

    It’s farcical and a terrible look from a club that already has a terrible look.

  5. Easy solution to their antics, lads – expel them.

    See how many people want to watch them play Dubai FC.

  6. Arsenal offered to draft the new APT rules for the premier league, but hey, they’re not City 🤷

  7. City fans actually defending this position their owners are taking.

    They all think it’s a conspiracy. Or racism. Or it’s because they are new money. Or some other stupid reason.

    Never seen a club with such a persecution complex

  8. “Sources with understanding of City’s position signalled the club will oppose efforts to rush through amendments, particularly around shareholder loans. The club vehemently opposes one proposal that would rule out applying fair market value tests to shareholder loans retrospectively in the three years since APT rules were introduced.”

    I agree with City on this point. Give the affected clubs a grace period to sort themselves out but fundamentally all clubs need to working off the same regulations

  9. Well, I don’t mean to rile up MC fans, nor take from the shine of their achievements. But even as a neutral, the club did set a bad example and created a very dangerous and damaging precedent so far.

    Now, who’s to say that all the other clubs owned by funds won’t follow suit, while the rest will either disappear or get owned by the fund clubs or as points donors. And this could be accepted as a business case.

    But, in the middle is this sport, and us, the fans. And that business strategy has little or nothing in it for us. Big clubs will be bigger, small – smaller, and it will come down to the same 4-6 teams challenging the title of biggest spender… I hate this and I hope I’m wrong.

  10. I lost interest after following a couple of seasons.
    It is not a sport anymore. It is a show orchestrated by oil money and directed by gambling money with referees and commentators as lead actors and athletes in supporting roles.

    It’s becoming a circus, not a game!

  11. *BREAKING NEWS* Clubs have differing interests after rival club wins multiple premier leagues. Obviously they’re gonna say that, they want that winning pot of money too

  12. City fans are starting to remind me of Donald Trump supporters. It’s all a conspiracy and nothing is ever the fault of their owners or club. Sick of it now.

  13. Honest question to Man City fans, do you actually think that the premier league and football as a whole would be better, more enjoyable and more competitive if you were able to spend billions every transfer window or are you just mad that you are being told you can’t? I guess Newcastle fans can weigh in as well because I’ve seen a couple of them saying they should be able to do what City are doing.

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