Péter Magyar and Viktor Orbán meet for the first time in the European Parliament

Péter Magyar and Viktor Orbán meet for the first time in the European Parliament


by WolfyHowler360

  1. If Magyar had been a prosecutor instead of a lawyer, he could have arrested Orbán immediately.

  2. Obran is such a corrupt self serving traitorous pig, why does Hungary tolerate him.

  3. I just realized this guy’s name is literally the Hungarian variant of our first Prime Minister’s: Petre Roman.

    Here’s to hoping your guy’s less of a spineless POS that our guy was.

  4. Magyar. Not gonna lie, it’s probably the best surname a Hungarian politician can have.

  5. I hope we can achieve change with this guy, he gained insane momentum in a few months’ time. And I also hope he doesn’t turn out to be just as bad

  6. I’m looking at this image from body language perspective. Peter standing looks like a chad, assertive alpha and bringing out his aura in front of Orban. Then I see Orban, reserved, retreated beta male.

  7. What does Péter Magyar stand for? Right wing, left wing? Pro or anti Russia? Pro or anti EU?

  8. I’m sure he had to restrain ever cell in his body from doing the same faceslap as Juncker did.

  9. It was like this in Poland for 8 years but our gigachad, or as we call him Europe’s emperor or Cesar Donald Tusk in memes came back to Poland on a white horse and we blew this corrupt government to the space.

    We had korean like brainwashing in public media which turned absolutely insane and FOX news is right wing moderate network in comparison to our public media.
    They were scaring people that:

    Donald Tusk will sell Poland to germany

    They were painting his face red, added devil horns (literally) when he was on Press conferences

    Public media were repeating in orwel style everyday even in when it wasnt making any logical sense the same clip of Donald Tusk talking in german “Fur deutschland” (it was a wishes to EPP party he was leader of and made them in copule languages) to use it as a proof of “germans attacking our polish government”

    That opposition will bring milions of refugees (its funny because media in election year found out that they brought 400k islamic immigrants and it was like a mortal blow to our far right government campaign)

    That we will eat worms and meat will be prohibited

    When there was young doctors protests because they have low salaries They found young doctor which went to Foreign trip to africa and made center story of the day, they forgot to say he was on a mission and was there for free, caring for poorest people.

    That Tusk is german and russian agent in a same time

    And there is a method to fight this guys, you have to mobilize with positive program but more important is to not fear of using some populist tricks or to takeover some of their policies yourself and play their game, but you have to have dignity and just be decent and not attack minorities, just be human.

    For example when there were african immigrants on belarusiam border, many liberal politicians said that we should allow them in and then we will handle this in a meantime, our right wing government said zero tolerance, it was much more popular take then liberal one, and they were super surprised to see that Tusk was saying that our borders are sacred and he agree with them and wont change or even toughen the sanctions torward illegal immigrants)

    Populists are good at gaining votes when they can create danger, but when you take that weapon from their hand, they loose.

    If you have any question on fighting populists in Poland just ask.

  10. I have to be honest: I have no idea who this guy is and what he stands for.

    At first I thought: he looks like an antagonist who is getting introduced at the beginning of season 3 or 4 and wants to support the main antagonist of the previous and comes in with more radical views and methods.
    I hope I am wrng 😀

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