Berichten zufolge bestätigt der Kreml, dass Trump Putin Covid-Testgeräte geschickt hat, und dementiert Putins Telefonanrufe seit seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt

Berichten zufolge bestätigt der Kreml, dass Trump Putin Covid-Testgeräte geschickt hat, und dementiert Putins Telefonanrufe seit seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt

  1. So why didn’t Trump tell the country this? Trump is not to be trusted, especially when it comes to Putin.

  2. They also ‘endorsed’ Harris, and denied that they would invade Ukraine. Both are pathological liars.

  3. So when Americans were DYING and our health system was struggling under the emergency, Trump was giving Putin our Advanced Technology for his personal use.

    Now where did those machines go? Oh….yes they were torn apart and reverse engineered.

  4. Putin gets personal medical devices, Puerto Rico gets paper towels. It’s all about priorities

  5. Trump said last month his relationship with Putin was “very good” and if elected he would end the war in Ukraine “in one day” lol.

    If anyone thinks Trump and Putin have not talked on the phone in almost 4 years I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell them.

  6. It’s highly concerning that a not insignificant amount of Americans put their trust in a Russian dictator.

  7. Another thing that won’t be covered by the supposed liberal media as a scandal, that would crush the presidential campaign of anyone who wasn’t the golden calf of a death cult.

  8. How did Putin select the top secret files that he was interested in? Did he have someone plow through them for him? How does the whole Putin/Trump thing work?

  9. I’m just “Putin” this out there – Trump is a lying grifting piece of shit who will destroy our democracy for his financial gain. Notice how conservative subs aren’t even talking about this?

  10. If trump made phone calls to Putin after he left office you can bet that NSA has a recording of it.

  11. I wouldn’t be shocked if he flees to Russia the morning of Nov 6th and just runs his cult from overseas.

  12. So Putin who first ignored the COVID virus , then promoted Sputnik (soup) vaccine as the best COVID vaccine in the world , has asked the US for COVID test machines?

  13. 🔵VOTE BLUE 🔵….. it’s THAT simple!!!!! Wake up 🇺🇸 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷

  14. Oh, I guess if that bastion of truth, the Kremlin, is denying any phone calls, then case closed.

  15. The Covid lab can be verified in obtainable records.

    Trump’s phone records would take a lot more work like a court order to verify.

  16. There will be no consequences. Just more sane washing. They’ll move onto the next thing 5 minutes from now.

  17. The master pulls the string and Trump dances. What does he have on the diaper Dan?

  18. Why would putin confirm it? I can’t see how this would help Trump in anyway.

  19. Donald Trump is a convicted felon, a rapist, a seditionist, a traitor, a racist, a homophobe and a misogynist, and a weirdo

  20. Nothing the Kremlin “confirms” or not matters. Their full-time job is disinformation. Printing any quotes from them is an insult to journalism.

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