Man caught with 6,000 indecent images attempted to import a child sex doll into the UK from Hong Kong

Man caught with 6,000 indecent images attempted to import a child sex doll into the UK from Hong Kong


  1. Child sex dolls are a fucking weird thing. On the one hand… Utterly disgusting and it’s baffling beyond belief that companies can make them.

    But on the other hand, there’s the argument that a doll is *way* better than a child being abused.

    Then again, on the third hand, there’s the slippery slope argument that people might start to feel like the doll isn’t enough and they want to escalate their behaviour.

    So I dunno, we can’t stop people from being attracted to children – some people just have brains that are wired wrong – but maybe we can stop them from acting on that attraction with actual children.

    Though that argument doesn’t seem to apply here, considering the 6000 images… Unless they’re also weird and creepy fakes, then the sex doll part seems completely unimportant in his list of crimes.

  2. This probably isn’t going to be a popular opinion, but I don’t see what’s wrong with him attempting to purchase a child sex doll.

    All the other stuff is bad (explicit photographs of children, explicit conversations with them, etc). But the doll itself doesn’t sound like it’s harming anyone.

    Though I guess it was a good thing he got caught, even if he got caught for the wrong reason.

  3. whilst it’s a horrific context , If he can’t acess the MH support for being a peadophile a doll harms no one . The images however do require punishment for reasons we all know . But if we can’t cure peadophiles , technology is a safer way for them to acess their (to me repugnant ) tastes

  4. I am sure he will face a difficult time in prison from other inmates. At least kids will be safe while he is locked away.

  5. On paper, having sex dolls being used instead of actual children being at risk of harm and/or trauma isn’t all that bad of an idea, but i feel like making a sex doll using the anatomy of people is kinda fucked up. At that point, you could have a regular doll squished to be ‘small’ and even though it’s still really fucked, it might help

    But in this case, the man had cp and a clear intention to spread harm. I believe the only thing the UK justice system should spend on this man is the cost of a single bullet but chances are he won’t survive prison so its good enough

  6. The man is a dead ringer of an older Gianluigi Buffon….i hope Buffon never sees this!

  7. A Few people commenting in here definitely need the police to seize their digital devices and have a look

  8. Why the fuck are child sex dolls even a thing.. like surely China is against CP as well!! That should be prison time man.

  9. Most pedophiles don’t start off by raping children. Many couldn’t even imagine searching for CP at first, they’ll probably start of by looking at “innocent pictures” of kids in swimsuits. When that doesn’t fulfil the needs they’ll move onto CP, then potentially try talking or meeting a young child from the Internet or god forbid by chance they find themselves around kids they might try something.

    Just like anyone else with drug or alcohol addictions, or serial killers it’s all about one upping.

    Buying these dolls means they’ve already taken a deprived step into fulfilling their sick needs, when happened when they aren’t satisfied by the doll anymore, what would the next step be real children.

  10. Look man, I’m not defending a pedophile, but surely a child sex doll is better than grooming actual children? The pictures aren’t really excusable and the guy should be absolutely punished for that but, idk man, I’d rather him nonce on a doll over ruining some poor child’s life.

  11. Police detective here. I’m glad this guy has been sentenced, as I’m very sad to report that the majority of similar cases I’ve dealt with have not resulted in any form of custodial sentence. Most end up with some sort of suspended sentence, sex offender registration and ongoing management, etc.

    The fact that he’d downloaded/accessed 6,000 images/videos is no small number, and no small offence. Make no mistake: This is a prolific pedophile.

    Whilst I understand the angle people are taking with regard to “Nobody is born choosing to be attracted to children”, and I’m not medically qualified to suggest otherwise, there is a night and day difference between those who are seeking help and management of their unfortunate circumstances, and people like this guy.

    It isn’t a straightforward task to find this sort of content. You need to look for it, and know where to look. You need to be in the right (or wrong) circles, downloading and using the right (or wrong) applications and websites. To amass 6,000 of these is not a small feat.

    And to add the cherry on the cake, he’s gone and tried to import a child sex doll and been caught at it. I take my hat off to the investigators of this one, because I assumed that – whilst utterly disgusting – it was not a crime to do it. Luckily some more knowledgeable folk than me have managed to find an old Customs Law from 1876 to slap him with on top of his original offences. Bravo; another bag of slime off the streets for a while.

  12. The sentiment in this thread is alarming. I am seeing a lot of “no one chooses to be a paedophile”. So I guess no one chooses to be a cheater. No one chooses to be a thief. No one chooses to be a rapist. No one chooses to be a murderer. If our “feelings” are strong we just act on them. Actually ridiculous seeing the amount of sympathy here.

  13. The one thing I’ve always wondered about pedos: why the fuck do they always have so much child porn? 6 fucking thousand images? I haven’t even looked at that much normal porn in my life

  14. Probably gonna get a suspended sentence and and a new house nxt to a school, knowing how the justice system treats these wronguns. Nonces and rapists should get a actual life sentence, with no chance of release. Its worse than murder imo.

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