East London mum sells her own daughter, 15, to paedophile to sexually abuse her

East London mum sells her own daughter, 15, to paedophile to sexually abuse her


by alyaaz

  1. Who’d have thought in a story about a paedophile abusing the child the paedophile wouldn’t be the biggest monster?

  2. So who is prosecuted more?

    A pimp selling underage sex workers or the customer?

    I guess whoever was born a man, right?

  3. I don’t believe in evolution, but without a doubt humanity is devolving out here

  4. Misleading headline. She didn’t “sell” her daughter. That would imply the abuser took ownership/custody of her daughter. He paid to abuse the daughter, not to buy her. It’s a horrific crime, there is no need to misrepresent it.

    Also, the abuser is not a paedophile, as the victim was not pre-pubescent. Obviously he is a terrible human being and he belongs in prison, and it makes the crimes no less abhorrent, but I would expect a journalist to use the correct terms.

  5. I remember talking to a local journalist once and he told me that he quit after he did a story about a house fire where a girl and a man died. Turned out the girl wasn’t his, his mother would send her round for cash. However, someone found out the man was a peado and got some petrol and firebombed his house, killing the man but also the girl. 

  6. SoftWhiteUnderbelly interviews a woman who experienced similar as a child. Perhaps someone can link the specific vid. Her story is worth hearing.

  7. Gross. Absolutely disgusting. And sad for the girl who will be mentally scarred for life. Reminds me of the one who gave her BABY to the Lostprophets paedo Ian Watkins repeatedly. Absolutely vile women!

  8. Solitary confinement with the walls and doors and ceiling painted white.. for life…for both!

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