‘It’s got to stop’: Biden uses national address to shame Marjorie Taylor Greene

‘It’s got to stop’: Biden uses national address to shame Marjorie Taylor Greene


Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. “Yes, they can control the weather,” Greene wrote on X on Oct. 3. “It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.”

  2. About time but too late. Just kick the southern states out of the union. Ungrateful fucks.

  3. QAnon was always talking about ‘Bringing the Storm’. MTG seems to have taken the term a little too literally.

  4. If you’re dumb enough to believe the dems are controlling the weather, you do not deserve access to the internet.

  5. Heh, the way I see it, people dumb enough to believe these lies about the govt manufacturing these storms “to get them” or think FEMA is coming to confiscate their property, should be swept away by the hurricane, so there are a few less morons in the gene pool.

  6. The easiest way to reign in MTG and the others is to ban all sitting politicians from social media.

    They might get some work done.

  7. Beach blonde bad built butch body trailer girl needs to retire to the circus where she belongs…imo

  8. This is the worst part of the internet: fools with crackpot ideas used to only have them in their basement, not trying to convince others across social media

  9. I’ve been saying that he should’ve been using his bully pulpit to do this weeks ago when the first set of lies happened…you can’t let these lies go bc they literally metastasize and become uncontrollable.

  10. Good for Biden. Enough is enough. And the worse thing yet, She draws an inflated salary spewing this shit.

  11. God bless MTG, I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to stick a hairpin into the light socket yet, her kinda dense usually leads to an early death by accident or shear stupidity.🥴

  12. I just want Marjie to write an ad for Kamala like she did for Biden.

    “Urr-ban problems.”

  13. *narrators voice -“it didn’t stop “

    That party weeded out every sane person and the daily echo chamber of loons who vote for them have them convinced idiots like this are their only hope. Let alone insanity gets clicks

  14. I’m sure she’s not getting any smarter, so I doubt it’s going to stop. If anything her IQ seems to be going down.

  15. I just hired a kid that later admitted to being a flat earther, made me want to vomit.

  16. Wouldn’t it win you more votes to step up and say “look at up, using science we’ve learned to control the weather and now these hurricanes will never hit your state ever again!!”

  17. Good on Biden. MTG’s delusional, ghoulish conspiracies are racist, divisive, obstructionist, self-serving, toxic and intentionally harmful to her own constituents, all of US. It *does* have to stop.

  18. This country needs to make a minimum aptitude test that requires every citizen to take every 8 years. If you
    Are too dumb to pass it, you have no reason to be voting or voicing your opinion. If you believe in Jewish space lazers… sorry. If you think the government is sending hurricanes to Forida… maybe next time.

    FFS. I’m so sick of people believing this total nonsense.

  19. Deplorables

    Unfortunately, no amount of shaming will work because these people have no brain or shame to begin with

  20. It needs to happen every-time the MAGA imbeciles peddle a half baked conspiracy theory.

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