Trump’s Latest All-Caps Rage on Truth Social Sounds Like He’s Freaking Terrified of Kamala Harris

Trump’s Latest All-Caps Rage on Truth Social Sounds Like He’s Freaking Terrified of Kamala Harris

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. He stays up all night hearing I find you guilty on all charges and sentence you to death for your traitorous behavior followed by the slamming of the cell door

  2. This reminds me of the dictator in V For Vendetta. Just a whacky dude screaming into a camera all the time.

  3. He loses its goodbye Merrick the Traitor and hello lifetimes in prison. God I want video of him in prison (wink) before I die

  4. Not sounds he is terrified. He has concepts of a win but can’t execute because he’s a moron.

  5. Trump is really embarrassed cause he wore a tampon on his ear for no reason and thats really weird

  6. I desperately want membership in the Federalist Society to be an automatic disqualification from the federal bench.

  7. Let’s hope all these freak outs eventually scare people away from voting for this imbecile again

  8. A smart black woman – a prosecutor. Damn straight he’s terrified.

    He knows what he’s facing if he loses in Nov. All jurisdictions in which he’s committed offences will be coming for him.

  9. It’s weird that he only posts to brag about himself when there was just a devastating hurricane and a second devastating hurricane is on land right now. *But I’m glad to hear he’s in good spirits. Real “leader of the free world” shit right here.* /s

  10. Every law enforcement agency, every Federal justice department, every conspiracy theorist, everyone in the Biden administration, every foreign and domestic intelligence agency, and (most importantly) the Secret Service Agents guarding Trump know that Trump is a flight risk. He won’t get ten feet. His funds will be nabbed, too. He’s confined to the USA, and he knows it. So he knows he’d better win. And so does Putin. Russia is cranking up the effort to put El Trumpo in power again, and a lot of people are falling for it. You and I have no alternative but to get all the blue votes out there we can, and be SURE to vote yourself. This is it, guys: Good versus Evil. And the evil has added “stupid, ignorant, or bigoted” to their squad.

  11. Before any person reads that Truth Social post they should close their eyes and say “Ladies and Gentlemen, the 45th President of the United States” Let that sink in. I always end by reviewing my early vote plan.

  12. Nothing news worthy here and nothing indicates fear. Well. More than usual. Well usual for him.


  13. It’s called narcissistic injury – revenge against someone that crushes your ego (or false sense of self). The little orange boy is losing and his rant sounds more like a wish list than truth.

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