Die Rekruten der russischen Armee sind zunehmend ältere und weniger fähige Männer

Die Rekruten der russischen Armee sind zunehmend ältere und weniger fähige Männer


  1. They still have a very large Chinese and north Korean pool to draw from, and the north Koreans come for the meal and don’t give a shit.    

    Not saying it’s too big to handle, they *will all die or be maimed*. 

      Russia is also the center of recruitment for neonazis for this war, and that is also tragically a large number of people globally. We have designed for killing at this level, there’s going to be a lot of industrially military grade designed death. 

  2. If you look at the population pyramid, this would mean they are well beyond the halfway point from a realistic troop depletion standpoint. That would align with reports of increased use of combatants from other countries.


    Putin is very clearly not the strategic mind he claims to be. A great liar — yes. But not a great general. He’s driving Russia off a cliff.

    No wonder he has his EU mouthpiece shouting about the war being unwinnable for Ukraine. Another accusation… another confession.

  3. They should start beating their young folks up on the street and dragging them to the battlefield. Amateurs.

  4. Scraping the barrel while they wait for DPRK to send reinforcements to continue the attack.

    Will this becoming an openly international, multinational conflict be enough to stir the West into more direct action?

  5. The Russian military is seeing an influx of older contract soldiers who are largely seen as detrimental to its war effort in Ukraine, the investigative news outlet Vyorstka [reported](https://verstka.media/kontraktniki-stali-starymi) Wednesday, citing anonymous military and parliamentary sources.

    Volunteer fighters aged 45 and over now make up half of new recruits in Moscow, a senior Mayor’s Office source was cited as saying. The average age of recruits has risen from 40 at the start of the year to about 50, said another Moscow Mayor’s Office source.

  6. The outlets identified 2,475 volunteer soldiers over 45 years old who died in Ukraine so far this year, a figure that’s half of Russia’s overall death toll in 2024.

  7. Ah Volkssturm troops were such a success last time they were used. Putler really tries to get all the points on the Nazi-Bingo card.

  8. Isn’t Russia incapable of paying pensions? So they’re solving the problem by killing off all the people who will need pensions?

  9. must be an incredible life living in Russia as a 15-16-17 year old today knowing you are going to be next years cannon fodder..

    so much to look forward to….

  10. I’m increasingly sceptical of claims Russia can just keep recruiting 100k soldiers every few months whilst recklessly sacrificing up to 1200 men a day at times into the meat grinder. 

  11. Meat grinder doesn’t discriminate, meat grinder is hunger, meat grinder needs to be fed.

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