Luigi’s – are we ready to have this conversation? or too busy sleeping?

Luigi’s – are we ready to have this conversation? or too busy sleeping?

by No-Country22

  1. Because you dumb barbarians can’t even imagine to comprehend a rich language like latin

  2. Roman Empire: Laid down the basis for the modern era
    English Empire: Has imported their colonies in London

  3. I think one of the big reasons why, apart from the British Empire, English has become so hugely popular is that it’s an easy language to communicate in at a rudimentary level.

    Speaking drunken “Barry” is a lot easier than speaking Chinese French or Russian. I can’t judge Spanish or Portuguese and we can all be glad it’s not German.

  4. Rome had a deeply flawed democratic system, which eventually became its downfall as it descended toward imperialism. By then, they were well past their prime.

    Britain’s democratic system meanwhile seem to make similar mistakes as the romans, by maintaining the institutions that divide the nobility from the plebs, and granting them special privileges.

  5. Did you know that english has more romance words than germanic words.

    Which would mean that english descents mainly from latin.

    So if Rome wouldnt exist, then english wouldnt exist.

    Checkmate, Rome haters

  6. Luigi’s what?

    Maybe learn English grammar before having a go at our brethren on the continent mate

  7. It’s because there’s a difference between the greatest and the latest.

    Roman empire was huge and had massive influence. But the british empire is much more recent. So it has more influence on current culture/politics. Even if it was nowhere near as important as the roman empire at its peak

  8. Because of America, named after Amerigo Vespucci. It’s the continent sized Republic with a powerful Senate and a capital covered in neoclassical buildings.

  9. Sorry Barry, but English is a lingua franca not because of you but because of Americans… But I do speak the British variant.

  10. Roman Empire was the greatest Empire ever, if you think Empires should only cover a small area of mostly one continent. Italians bring it up because their modern Empire was so bad, they had to side with the Nazis to feel any kind of power. The British Empire will never be surpassed in size and impact on global history.

  11. wait until the english find out that a lot of frenchies words sneaked in into the english language, and in turn French is a latin language thanks to the Roman Empoire

  12. Smell that lads? Thats the smell of saltiness in the thread

    Although I do like the go to cope of europeans everytime this meme or similar are posted

    “we only speak it to talk to you!!!”

    Like damn you really are obsessed with us 😘😘

  13. Latin has been lingua franca in the western world for one and a half millennia, you have still a long time to go little one

  14. If English is so great why do I speak a different language the moment I close this app?

  15. Oh boy, hold on Luigi, I’m coming…

    ALORS espèce de gros bouffon depigmenté… couple of things:

    A bit cavalier to use the language as an argument when a little research on one’s end would easily reveal that English as we know it, would utterly collapse if we removed everything French/latin in it. Why is there so much French? Oh I don’t know maybe because we ruled your wretched island SO hard for 100 years that our elite added so much French in it, you can’t go back.

    Also, being associated with the U.K. has become increasingly embarrassing, so once the other commonwealth nations would have finally be done with having the King printed on their money, Italy might just end up with more conquests (in the form of the Vatican) than the British empire ever had.
    On the other hand, Italian was, is and will most likely continue to be a dream place for many many people.
    Is the place perfect? No. But they compensate with the food, landscapes and people
    Meanwhile… in the U.K… the people share a level of education akin to the US. (Which transpires on the quality of people you interact with)… I mean for ffs… your country actually believed that leaving the EU would give you more sovereignty hahahhahahzhahahahahahahahahzhazhahahahzhzhzhzhahzhahahahahahahaa
    anyway, the landscapes, ok you have Scotland… but besides that… ah and “you have” let’s see for how long. That too, even your “home empire” is at risk. You’re all that embarrassing. As for the food…. Yeah I’m not even gonna expand on this point.

    Also, and as far as I’m concerned, I now see you on very similar level as Americans, as such your opinions aren’t worth much and make me wanna say “alright but go play, the adults are taking” – I don’t even know why you still have your flairs here when you spent so many years telling us that we’re evil and “the wOOoOoOrst”. I feel like once again we’re being far nicer and patient than you deserve.

    Leave them alone and sort yourselves out.

  16. This is never going to work fellow Barry, the continentals will never accept the undeniable fact that we were the largest empire that has ever been; they get all sensitive about it and become ancient historians.

  17. You do realize the term Lingua Franca is in Italian and used to be ascribed to French, the actual language of diplomacy during the times of the time of the British Empire, and the only reason we’re using this guttural language of yours right now is because of the Yanks becoming the new Imperial Core after the fall of the European Colonial Empires yes?

    I wouldn’t brag if I were you, this isn’t about you this is about the other guys.

  18. If this was 2000 years ago, the meme would be in latin. 25 years from now, they’ll be in chinese

  19. You had the biggest empire indeed. And one could argue your influence globally was much bigger than the roman empire. So yeah on a few criteria the bri’ish empire could be described as the greatest. Oh yeah and you ended slavery.

    PIGS will cope and seethe though since they literally have nothing besides their past.

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