‘I was evicted and lost £20,000 in London rent scam’

‘I was evicted and lost £20,000 in London rent scam’

by BulkyAccident

  1. Imagine that scummy fuck has scammed people over and over and just casually lives a luxury life on insta and the police don’t care to investigate. Ffs, criminals keep getting away with this kinda shit, and the housing market the way it is and people desperate for homes we’re gonna see so much of this

  2. social media is full of these types of arseholes, scammy cunts who advertise luxury properties for rent, just taking a look at that blokes photos should have been a red flag, but i guess thats why there is so many of them, people fall for the scams.

  3. Citizens Advice Bureau also implying it’s his fault?

     Don’t rush and get a land registry report thing to confirm owner….? 

    It’s not Nigeria, you should be able to sign a contract and expect it to be enforced.

    Meanwhile if you sneeze wrong city council, electricity company, landlords, can all call debt collection to knock on your door. When it’s the other way round and the small guy gets ripped off then it’s too bad.

  4. I have sympathy, but… Clearly a scam.

    Only time you’d pay up front is if through an agency with a physical location. Come on!

  5. It’s sad that his father’s money has gone to a scammer but come on why aren’t you doing things through an estate agent

  6. Similar thing happened to a friend of a friend a few years ago with her inheritance, except she lost 1.8 million of her inheritance. Tenant changed their name by deed poll posing as the landlord and ‘sold’ her the house in cash for 2 mil. Landlord came and evicted her after she moved in 🥲

  7. Feel bad for him but how do you part with 20k without doing some basic checks? He could have asked anyone official about this and they’d have put a stop to it straight away.

    I do have sympathy though, I was scammed for £600 and I visit the guys Instagram every now and then and saw him living a life of luxury, obviously through the means of other scams. He was even an extra on corrie.

    He’s got organ failure now and is dying, conflicting feelings haha.

  8. Surely some of this falls on the estate agent too? They allowed the listing on their site. Surely some due diligence needs to be done by them before allowing a property to be listed on their site?

  9. From the article: *Action Fraud said reports were assessed against criteria including “the vulnerability of the victim”.*

    *It added that it prioritised “reports most likely to present an investigative opportunity for local police forces, those where a crime is ongoing and those that present the greatest threat and harm to the victim or victims concerned”.*

    That criteria seems awful to me. Especially the first line about the vulnerability of the victim. It plays right into the hands of people that want to scream about “two tier policing”.

  10. A MASSIVE case of fraud, and the police say “nah, fuck you”.

    just a google of Diam’s name brings you this – [https://www.99home.co.uk/blog/blog-details/Fraudsters-Samy-Daim/](https://www.99home.co.uk/blog/blog-details/Fraudsters-Samy-Daim/)

    here’s another victim [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/29915301/left-homeless-conned-disgusting-landlord/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/29915301/left-homeless-conned-disgusting-landlord/)

    how can the police not investigate? it’s a fucking disgrace

  11. In what world is it normal to be paying an entire years rent in one go? I guess some landlords might offer a discount if you do?

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