Rapist jailed for multiple attacks on woman

Rapist jailed for multiple attacks on woman


by Tartan_Samurai

  1. It’s like clockwork. Whenever there’s an article of a rapist of colour posted, you can bank on someone posting one a few moments later about a white rapist. This sub is so far gone.

    I’m guessing this article wasn’t worthy enough to post when it was written 2 days ago.

  2. Those people who complain about it always being a certain group, thinly veiling it behind caring about the safety of women and children, never seem to show up when it’s a white perpetrator.

  3. By now there would a dozen comments making a comment on his race or talking about a pattern? Yeah there’s a pattern but it’s not race, it’s gender

  4. Two top stories today are about ethnic minority rapists. One a man called “Mohammed la Fayed” posted by the OP of this article.

    The other is a story about a mother who sold her child for sex.

    People are complaining that such stories exist, though they have not thought through what they are complaining about to try to articulate it.

    I stuck “rape conviction” into the google news search.


    I certainly quickly found one white male they will not be posting (Lexi Secker). But mostly it was stories about Weinstein so not UK and the Malkinson and McCann not guilty or over turned verdicts. from the rest several that fit the kind many think we should not post and a few of white males we likely could post.

    Given the notoriety of a certain kind of mass rape crime going on in some towns, you are not even close to having something of equal weight to post. That plus the likes of al Fayed and the mother of evil….. I would suggest people really rethink how it looks to be trying to answer those kind of stories with what was posted above. I don’t think it has the impact you think.

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