Another tanker exploded at the oil terminal in occupied Feodosia, Crimea. The entire facility may end up burning down completely as a result of the drone strike in October 7

Another tanker exploded at the oil terminal in occupied Feodosia, Crimea. The entire facility may end up burning down completely as a result of the drone strike in October 7

by Hotrico

  1. Locals must be thrilled to the core by such spectacular displays of Russian competence. If a few privately questioned whether Russia could win the war they started, all their doubts must be swept away by watching oil depots and ammo dumps go up in flames.

  2. you know what is funny? they have so much fucking oil that they literally don’t care that its burning…

  3. Exploding Oil Tanks: All oil storage tanks have some water (and debris) at the bottom. Any burning oil tank and burning puddles of oil near any intact oil tank increase the temperature of both the oil and bottom water in the intact tank A critical point is eventually reached. The weight of the oil above keeps the water below from super-pressure boiling until a tipping point is reached. As the bottom water finally defeats the hold-down pressure of the oil above, the water vapour expands almost in an instant and the gas pressure drives the oil mass upwards blowing the top off the storage tank resulting in a massive geyser of flame. I hope President Putin can understand my explanation.

  4. Can’t help but to think watching all these explosion videos, Our atmosphere is SO Fucked…

  5. I remember when Ukraine could barely get any drone over to crimea.. now look at the glory of them smiting their enemy

  6. Obama got under Putin’s skin by saying Russia was just a gas station. Might not even be that soon.

  7. Seeing another large fire ever two days, if not daily as of late. I hope Ukraine finally has the means to keep that pace up indefinitely.

  8. If one thing ruzzia should recognize it is what make’s sense financially and war with Ukraine does not make sense financially or socially.

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