Ukraine must sacrifice Crimea to win war against Putin

โ€œThe only way Ukraine would be able to accept, politically, losing large chunks of its territory is if that came with a territorial guarantee.โ€

Ukraine could permanently abandon Crimea in exchange for Nato membership, says journalist and author Peter Apps.

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  1. This guy is an Idiot. If anyone thinks Russia will "stick" to any agreement is deranged. You "must" Humiliate Putin and Russians to get any Permanent future agreement to stick. I said from Day 1, Ukraine needs to completely Destroy the Karch Bridge, this Humiliation of Putin's pride and joy will be seen by every Russian and the World. This Humiliation will destroy Putin and a coup will have him removed. Even Ret. General Hodges says the same thing. The Russian people do NOT like to be Humiliated on the World stage by their leader(s). History proves this.

  2. Sometimes peace with security, dignity, liberty, prosperity and free communities of ordinary people must be won, not negotiated. The west has the capability to provide Ukraine with the means to this war economically and on the battlefield, as much as the Kremlin and its allies can go on supplying their forces at the whim of their allies.

  3. Leaving Crimea in Russian hands would permanently complicate Ukraine's maritime trade. The Russians would use or make up any excuse to interfere as their ultimate goal is to make a Ukrainian nation unviable economically. Think again.

  4. Why dont people pay attention to what is happening? Ukraine will not be in NATO…….the end. All of Novorussiya will be liberated.. the end . Why do people ignore what is being said? NATO will probably collapse after this . But that is not Russia's concern

  5. Do these 2 warmongers ever think that WW3 would be a nuclear armmagedon.

    Why was Ukraine invited to NATO in 2008?

    Because Russia was planning to attack Europe in 2008?

    The only worthwhile part if this show is remainding audience that for 300 years the British have had imperial aspirations in the Black Sea

  6. This guy is clueless – crimea is already lost by russia, that as absolutly no capacity to control the regionโ€ฆ besides, the black sea is also lost by russia that as no ways to control the area – this guy is paid by russsia !

  7. I think this is barely relevant. Right from the offset Russia has stated peace involves no NATO and 'demilitarisation' (falsely claiming Ukraine was a threat, in reality aiming Russia can always threated Ukraine). This has not changed, and unless it does security guarantees aren't a means to peace, but after it. If security guarantees were there in exchange for land, if Russia agreed to accept Ukraine in NATO in exchange for land … who knows what Ukraine would have given up to avoid further war – that'd be for Ukrainians to decide – but that's not been the realistic offer so far.

  8. For our couch general; the EU does not have 300 million people but 450 million people, I know it's just 150 million people off but hey that's a couch general for you. as for the Crimean War, that not 300 years ago but 171 years, he is NOT a military specialist nor analyst so do not let him (or people like him)sit on that seat and create so much misinformation and frankly faulty "analysis". As for his body language he's far to comfortable with his own bs.

  9. Which should they take first, Donbas or Crimea?

    If they take Donbas first, everyone will tell Ukraine to give up Crimea.

    If they take Crimea first, taking Donbas wonโ€™t be a big deal.

    But how? The Donbas and Crimea are fortified by Russia. The border states of Kursk, Belgorod, Rostov are relatively unprotected. Ukraine expanding their hold in these border provinces means cutting off supplies to the Russian occupied forces in Ukraine. Plus, once Ukraine controls this Russian territory, they can use it as a bargaining chip to get reparations, justice for war crimes, get their children back. Just sacrificing Crimea suggests they have no way to get these post-war demands met.

    Ending this war depends a lot on Russia deciding to quit. They will quit when Russia wins or when they have so many losses they start to become vulnerable to internal unrest (the entire government suffers a coup OR smaller states have the strength to separate from Moscow), OR outside countries start eating up Russia (China takes Manchuria, Finland retakes what they gave up in the Winter War, etc). These things might start to happen or just be poised to. For now, Russia looks pretty steady. None of these things look likely within the next few weeks (by Oct 31).

    Striking a lot more arms arsenals and oil refineries/depots might destabilize Russia enough they want to end hostilities in Ukraine. An indicator might be how much Russia is fighting in other places like Georgia. If they slow down or end fighting there, it could mean they will negotiate an exit fromUkraine.

  10. Beggars can't be choosers. The act of puppet coke-fiend Zelensky as "war hero" has obviously run its course. His "gibs me dat Victory Plan" raised only a rueful laugh and he is now being ordered by Imperialist bosses to pipe down and wrap up this war asap.

  11. Clicked off once I heard 'unexpected'. The war started in 2014 with the Russian annexation of Crimea and parts of Donetsk, not with the full-scale invasion in 2022. Crimea is pivotal to the region and Britain and France fought the Crimean War to counter Russian expansionism against the crumbling Ottoman Empire. Couldn't bear to hear any more of this ridiculous nonsense.

  12. Problem is if Ukraine or the West starts saying that, Russia will use that as a starting point. Won't work. Have to enforce Putin as a war criminal, return of the children, reparations, etc etc etc. On the other side, Putin will want all that to go away.

  13. rewarding Putin's aggressive expansionism with Crimea may be given window dressing to make out it worked, but this won't be the end of Putin's aspirations and intent to take more from Ukraine and other ex-Soviet era nations. This apart from rubber stamping more extensive control of the Black Sea and be forever a threat to Ukraine's maritime trade from a vastly reduced Black Sea coastline but also the via the Sea of Azov and access to international waters via the Kerch Straight. Wallace has changed his tune from a supporter of Ukraine to Putin's tame peacenik. Disgusting and unacceptable.

  14. What an insane proposal, So Putin is gifted Crimea And will embolden him to take more territory Which contravenes International Law,No Country/Nation will agree to that Least of all Russia.
    This guy's on another planet fantasy ๐Ÿ˜‡

  15. The Crimea is strategically quite important. That is one reason not to leave it to Russia. Not even for NATO membership.
    It is moot as i don't think Russia will accept this idea for ending the war.

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