Hacker behaupten „katastrophalen“ Angriff auf das Internetarchiv

Hacker behaupten „katastrophalen“ Angriff auf das Internetarchiv


  1. This is real and the consequences can be devastating. I absolutely hope they have a backup somewhere as data can be deleted or worse, manipulated.

  2. That’s sad. Could still find copies of our school web projects from the 90’s on there

  3. Fucking assholes, going after some place like the Internet Archive. Like committing arson at a library, just for kicks.

  4. All this has taught me is that “activists” supposedly on the side of Palestine are a danger to the world.

  5. I’m confused about where that amount of personal data came from in relation to the Wayback Machine- do they accept donations like Wikipedia?

  6. Don’t worry, it was obviously necessary to attack the global internet while most of the world is calling for a ceasefire on their behalf.

    How does that makes sense? No one really knows or cares. It just does. It is resistance and it should be celebrated without limits.

    Is this really what we want to normalize? How can people not see that this is an absolute intellectual and moral dead end street?

  7. Would be nice if the hackers targeted organizations actually involved in the conflict, not the internet archive, but what do I know? I guess any publicity is good publicity in their eyes.

  8. This is the equivalent of attacking a hospital or a library. What the fuck is wrong with you. Just wait till the furry hackers wake up and rip them a new one.

  9. So much of my personal history, things I grew up with, were only accessible via the Wayback Machine… if often only scraps. The things I love keep dying and often that was the only tool I had to even start to look for breadcrumbs or at least a tombstone. How much of the internet is just gone now?

    They struck a blow against a national treasure.

  10. This is so fucking evil. This isn’t some lone hacker or group of hackers. This is narrative control on a world scale.

  11. This is 100% done by a government entity. I was on internet archive watching some shit you can’t find anywhere else when this happened. They are censoring content. This is a destruction of knowledge and public access to it.

  12. When was the last time anyone did any White-hat hacking? This is awful, like burning the library at Alexandria

  13. This is such a bummer as I have personally uploaded over a TB of live-music recordings that I have made over the years. While I do obviously have my original maser files and backups, the Live Music Archive has been a staple of the tape-trading and live music enthusiast community for almost 20 years now, with multiple apps dedicated to streaming from their public database so people can re-live concerts they have been to or discover other great live music.

    I hope everyone takes this as a moment to donate to the Archive, as they need help and are truly one of the better “old-school” internet sites still up and running.

  14. These fucking morons, it’s universal free knowledge they just fkn destroyed. In what world does this aid in the cause of the Palestinian people. If anything you could argue it does the EXACT opposite, by getting rid of books and journals surrounding the top of Palestinians and Gaza.

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