Labour’s supports slides under 30% as angry older voters turn from Starmer to Farage and the Tories – poll

Labour’s supports slides under 30% as angry older voters turn from Starmer to Farage and the Tories – poll

by Puzzleheaded_Post_20

  1. >Labour’s vote share since winning power has continued its dramatic slide to less than 30 per cent after voters aged 55 and over abandoned Keir Starmer’s party, new polling has revealed.

    >The Techne UK weekly tracker poll for The Independent has registered support for Labour falling to 29 per cent down five points from the election and two points below last week.

    >But with the Tories still undecided on a new leader, they failed to capitalise on Labour’s loss of popularity with a gain of just one point from last week to 24 per cent. Meanwhile Nigel Farage’s Reform UK were also up one to 19 per cent.

    >The Lib Dems stayed the same on 12 per cent while the Greens were unchanged on 7 per cent.

    >Labour’s losses came after another chaotic week which saw Keir Starmer sack his chief of staff Sue Gray and replace her with the controversial Morgan McSweeney. His government though has still been dogged by rows over freebies and now concerns are rising over dramatic tax rises with reports capital gains tax could be hiked to 39 per cent.

    >But Labour’s biggest problem appears to be with older voters with anger continuing to increase over the decision to cancel winter fuel payments for 10 million pensioners as the days get colder.

    >For the first time since the election Labour trails the Tories in both the 55 to 64 age group category and the 65 and over category. In an even more concerning development Starmer’s party also trails Reform UK in both categories.

    >Excluding undecideds Labour has 23 per cent 55 to 64 compared to the Tories’ 26 per cent and Reform’s 25 per cent. Among 65-and-overs, Labour has just 22 per cent to the Tories’ 29 per cent and Reform’s 24 per cent.

    >In less than 100 days Labour has also lost more than a quarter of its vote from the last election with 27 per cent of those who said they voted for Starmer’s party in July now saying they would not do it again.

    >Techne UK’s chief executive Michela Morizzo said that the only reason that Labour would hang on in this scenario is because the vote on the right of politics is still split between the Tories and Reform.

    >She said: “Things continue to go badly for the Labour government. Sir Keir Starmer’s party drop a further two points in national vote share this week, recording now just 29 per cent. This sub 30 per cent vote share for Labour is the lowest share we have recorded for the Labour Party since February 2022.

    >“If the right was united – which of course it is not – they would poll together in excess of 40 per cent of national vote share, far exceeding Labour. It will be very interesting to see how the consensus willl shift once the new Conservative leader is elected and the party starts to move on with a new vision looking to the next general election.”

  2. I don’t care what anyone says, this is the best timeline. The establishment needs to come to terms with how incredibly unpopular they are.

  3. This is *exactly* why I think some people are being too gleeful at the prospect of Jenrick or Badenoch. Yes, they’re awful. But they also may be well placed to win this demographic back to the Tories. And they don’t really need to win that many back for the next election result to be quite different.

  4. My 75 year old dad was shouting about starmer means testing pensions the other day, something another miserable git told him after reading it on Facebook.

    They believe anything as long as it’s something they can get angry about.

  5. Why do we give so much importance to this demographic. Many of em are feeble, many of em are susceptible to medical and age issues but the current benefits and pension system cater to literally 96% of them (please statistically prove me wrong). You want proper future planning to a country then invest in it the younglings, and back away from the ones who go into a pub and moan about how Thatcher days were better or whatever. Fuck these older voters.

  6. Well yes because now they’re in power they are actually having to make decisions that upset people. A lot on here thought Labour would bring sunshine and constant joy. I didn’t vote for them but obviously want them to do well but it is quite funny.

  7. I’m sick of hearing the broad shoulders speech because somehow they’re always talking about the working middle class and never anyone actually wealthy.

    Fully prepared to vote tory for the first time next election if Labour breaks their election promise to leave income tax and NI the fuck alone.

  8. In a shocking turn of events – the general public don’t like being told the truth, and instead prefer
    Imaginary stories.

    This has been demonstrable true for as long as time itself, and recently proven by immigration, Brexit and the current noise around ECHR

  9. Let them rage. There’s not an election until 2029. Genuinely don’t understand why we are getting so much news about polling for something that isn’t set to happen for half a decade. Aren’t there more interesting questions they could be polling on?

  10. >The Lib Dems stayed the same on 12 per cent while the Greens were unchanged on 7 per cent.

    So there are no votes for Labour to shift left. In spite of the far lefts popularity online it remains an electorally fringe position.

    The right use culture issues to attract voters to be able to enact their economic agenda. The left will always find new and tedious cultural hills to die on. Every single micro issue they will mock voters over, snear at everyone else, ban discussions anywhere they have the control to ban the issue then loose voters and votes in huge numbers and sit in a puddle of wee crying about hard done by they are.

    Labours reelection will depend on three things. The economy, immigration and housing.

    They have made some reasonable noises on housing. Getting that building in the next 4 and a half years will be a big step in the right direction. It will have some growth stimulus.

    Immigration speaks for itself but unlimited immigration is too dear to the lefts heart to be worth engaging with, its a religious fever for them. Get it down to around 200 000 for a couple of years and knock it down the publics agenda.

    That leaves the economy. Getting some growth from increases in business confidence and changes in planning then working like your lives depend on it on finding ways to improve productivity so you can get 3-4 years of sustained 2% plus growth will lift the mood of the country and give the income to restart things like winter fuel allowances.

    Here is the OBR on the state of the public finances.


    This is the beating heart of what Britain is about and where our problems lie. There are two types of people discussing politics, those who know the basic outline of these figures, and those who are just making up what they want to be true to push their agenda.

    This is where we stand and what we need to build from.

    The move to the populist right will dwindle IF we improve these figures, it will surge if we dont.

  11. My late 60s parents love complaining about Two Tier Keir Stalin. Farage however should be venerated as a saint. He can do no wrong. He is the second coming of the messiah.

    God it makes me sick what Russia, the Daily Heil and GBeebies have done to our older generation.

  12. Please don’t let this be the V for vendetta timeline where the unthinkable happens next election.

  13. Bear in mind that you can create and interpret a poll to indicate almost anything by various methods. Papers do this to develop talking points.

  14. I don’t really care if support from older voters is declining. They’ve had it far too easy for too long and have not given their fair share so far when it comes to economic recovery. Time they pull up their bootstraps.

    I fully support Labour and their policies so far, they are the right decisions overall for the country.

  15. What a stupid, incompetent start Labour has made. Instead of talking about how they’ll tax the fuck out of wealthy corporate and property parasites, they announce that we’re all fucked and austerity is going to have to continue. Instead of telling young people that it’s their turn to see some real help with rent, jobs etc, they create a massive shitstorm about pensioners and benefits. So the people who the tories spent 14 years coddling and pacifying – the wealthy elderly – are now somehow desperate victims. You couldn’t make it up. It’s a level of political ineptitude I’ve not seen from a new government.

  16. Ok – so it’s unpopular with fogies.

    The rest of us are working constantly so can’t be polled.

    This paper leans right.

    The WFP are means tested – anyone not getting it already gets more money than most working families.

    As for CGT: the wealthiest (those that gain most from this) have had incredibly low CGT for far too long.

    The wealthiest in our society need to finally pull their fingers out and pay SOMETHING resembling a fair share.

    I support the policy decisions. Wealth inequality of such stark degree causes societal erosion and decline. Boomers have been the luckiest, wealthiest generation in history. Perhaps they should eat fewer avocados, drink less champagne, and drive smaller cars.

  17. I can understand some pensioners being pissed off with Starmer but turning to Farage???

  18. Angry older voters are the people who’ve spent the last few decades destroying this country so I don’t place much value in their judgement.

  19. I’ve had to bite my tongue as my step-mum has been sharing nonsense memes on Facebook about how Labour have ‘Taken WFA away from everyone’. Might have to start actually explaining what means-tested is to her soon.

  20. Screw them.

    They’ve had their way for the past 15 years.

    Time for some reasonableness instead of reactionary, Neanderthal politics.

  21. it’s almost like the problem with Labour is the Left holds them to higher standards than the Right holds Tories/Fascists

    at least with the Tories you expect to get fucked up the ass, so any glimmers of hope are like shining beacons

  22. Fuck I hope someone takes Farage out before the boomers fuck us with their vile entitled incompetence again.

    The man should not be walking free let alone hold a position of power.

  23. At this point I wonder why this matters. These kinds of articles keep getting posted here, but for what? A smear against the government? They’ve only just got into power and like it or not this is it for the next 5 years. We can talk about how popular Labour are then, but for now it’s completely irrelevant to anything and everything.

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