Pelicot trial: Accused men confronted with abuse videos in French mass rape case

Pelicot trial: Accused men confronted with abuse videos in French mass rape case

Posted by Alex09464367

  1. What the fuck is wrong with this cunt?

    To betray your wife in such a disgusting manner, so many times. To not only rape her, but to have strangers rape her. To record these things and treasure them on a hard drive. To openly label the hard drive ‘abuse’. To feed her drugs that would impact the rest of her life. To so meticulously continue this pattern of abuse for so many years.

    Death penalty. Fuck this guy, fuck everything about him and his crimes. This man does not deserve life. He won’t feel remorse. He should be killed the day after the court hearing.

  2. I ran barefoot out of the house of the man who was assaulting me as soon as I was able to make my brain & body react. The next morning, he texted me: “sorry things got out of hand last night.”

    That is what I talked about in therapy: not the injuries or the panic. It was his summary of the events: just things “getting out of hand”

    I cannot imagine the resolve of this woman to listen to DOZENS of men downplay, rationalize, de-escalate her experience. Just a single text pushed me over the edge; she is experiencing an unfathomably worse version of that. I cannot imagine

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