Shout-out to the BBC for telling me about this

Shout-out to the BBC for telling me about this

by alisonn_on

  1. When you say “thousands” it’s more likely to actually be *millions*.

    They have a population of about 300 million. Trump’s *al-qaeda* is about 25-30% of the population. So what, roughly 75-100 million people?

    If even 2% of them believe this, then it’s millions.

    It puts the term “special friendship” in a different light. No wonder lettuce and foreign-funded fuckwit love trump. They’re certainly “special”.

  2. Fuck Florida. They voted for a literal fascist as a Governor who has said slavery was good, regularly visited prison camps in the US to watch them torture potential terrorists for fun. He didn’t need to be there he went out of his way to be there so he could watch them get tortured. On top of that he doesn’t just want abortion to be illegal he also wants the people who get abortions to get put in jail for murder. Also it doesn’t end here he wants the discussion of racism to be illegal to talk about in schools claiming it hurts white people’s feelings. Fuck Florida.

  3. There does seem a tradition of some Americans just seeing themselves as straight talking plain honest folk descended from pioneers who made America. Their motto is ‘If it ain’t simple it ain’t right’.

    But they do like to oversimplify

  4. Just throwing this out there….
    There is a patient registered for a weather manipulation machine 🤷

    Don’t worry I’m ready for the down votes from all the bots

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