Managed to empty an entire jar of Bovril without the lid sealing itself shut (my hands have been permanently branded by the marks on the Bovril lid).

by tanklord99

  1. LPT never screw the lid down completely, always 1/4 turn back from closed. Having said that there is still some mileage left, fill with hot water for the last dregs

  2. We get through about one of these a month in my house. I just use it for sauces but my wife and kids are obsessed with having it on toast.

  3. Best served at molten temperature, can be used as a hand warmer and then a drink 

  4. I was trying to find Bovril in the supermarket (Sains) yesterday and couldn’t. I found the Marmite and I (stupidly?) thought it would be near, but no – there was jam, honey, peanut butter. I looked also where the sauces were – no Bovril.


  5. I was working at a site and as per usual one of the lads had forgot his dinner, he’d already tricked me out of a packet of crisps so turned to one of the other drivers and managed to blag a butty, as he bit into it his face changed from ‘smug success’ to total horror, he leapt out of his seat and ran out of the porta-cabin heaving his arse up, Dicky the driver looked up and deadpan says “cheese, pickle and Bovril”…

  6. Serious question.

    I’ve not had Bovril in over 20 years but this year I’ve been craving it and waiting for it to get colder to start thinking about getting some.

    Where do I buy it? Is it near marmite or near drinks?

  7. If you keep it in the fridge it doesn’t drizzle everywhere when you spoon it out. No stuck lids

  8. The first time I did this, I finished off the jar by pouring hot water in and shaking with the cap on for one last bovril shot.

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