France to patients: Take weight loss drug Wegovy on your own dime

France to patients: Take weight loss drug Wegovy on your own dime

by euronews-english

  1. Weight loss drugs should be 100% funded by the state. The economic losses avoided due to obesity greatly surpass the cost

  2. Apart from any issues of morality and judgement, this is short sighted and bad policy financially. Helping people lose weight dramatically reduces future health care costs on many axes.

  3. Semaglutide is a miracle drug that not only helps with obesity but also seems to help with addictions, but please let’s remember that it was created as a diabetes drug and there are many people with diabetes who need it to survive.

    When generics are in production and there is enough for everyone, I will be first in line celebrating. But at the moment there is very limited stock and many diabetics can’t get it because richer, non sick people are buying it for weight loss. I am not in favor of incentivising people who don’t actually need this drug to live to take it from the hands of people who actually do.

  4. Seems to me this drug‘s story isn’t told until the end. I’m deeply sceptical of the long term effects of it with regard to stability of weight loss and metabolic issues.

  5. Since when did obesity become a disease? When my hair grows too long, I’ll go to the barber. When my eyes go bad, I’ll visit an optometrist. When my car breaks down, I’ll call a shop.

    And here it comes: when my weight becomes too high for my comfort, I stop eating shit and double down on my exercise. The older I get, the more frequent I reach that stage, sadly.

    But somehow being fat made you exempt from any personal responsibility? And don’t give me any bullshit about depression, all fatties I know are quite happily enjoying life whilst eating like pigs but with a healthy dislike for exercise of course, lol.

    Edit: I knew I shouldn’t post this on a Friday afternoon on Reddit, when only the obese and sad are online, lol

  6. Stopping eating like a fat shit and do basic exercise is a free medicine to lose weight

  7. As companies that are making that drug are expect to keep it exclusive up to 2032 and now trying to wrap their patents to extend that period even further, I sincerely hope that Chinese and Indian companies would steal it as soon as possible. Screw big pharma and their “please think of ours billion profits”.

  8. >Wegovy also isn’t usually covered in Denmark – Novo Nordisk’s home country – partly because the Danish health authority estimates that it would cost about 6 million Danish kroner (about €805,000) to prevent a single cardiovascular event.

    I’d really like to see how they arrived to this number. At 300 euro a month, 805k comes down to 222 patient-years on Wegovy that are required for one prevented cardiac event. This seems off by a factor of 10, given how effective it is, and how terrible obesity is for your heart. Also doesn’t account for the fact that people who lose weight on Wegovy often don’t need to stay on it to maintain their new weight.

    I think being so hesitant about what genuinely appears to be a miracle drug, is a huge public health mistake.

  9. GLP-1 drugs are a promising therapeutic option for patients with diabetes and/or overweight issues, but the first and preferred option should be dietary changes and physical exercice. Which is both safer and more durable than any medicine because, again, we lack data regarding the long-term innocuity of these drugs. Now, yes, some people have specific conditions and absolutely need these drugs, but *most* people are just too lazy to do the necessary changes in their lifestyles.

    We’ve become accustomed to expect miraculous/technological solutions to very basic issues, because it’s so much easier to apply a bandaid than correcting the underlying issue in the first place.

    In some ways, this new “miracle” drug is also a miracle to our consumerist societies: no need to aim at sobriety or to do any kind of fundamental change to our way of life, we can keep consuming more and more, year after year, and just find some kind of bandaid to fix shit up.

    Now go ahead folks, downvote me.

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