Naked nuns and mutilation at German opera leave audience members ill

Naked nuns and mutilation at German opera leave audience members ill

by euronews-english

  1. Hmm, vomit inducing smutty plays what a novel idea! Let’s go see the whole 3hr of it *proceeds to vomit* – oh no, I want my money back!

  2. Looks pretty cool. Holzinger has been a very, very provocative artist in the past, so what would you expect when attending such a performance, really? I don’t understand these people.

  3. Fun fact….the show had multiple warnings on different levels showing ppl exactly about what they got themselves into.

  4. >On stage, naked nuns roller skate around on a movable half-pipe

    Holy shit that’s unbearable I need to vomit right now!

  5. Its a Florentina Holzinger production. She‘s awesome, but you should probably have some idea of what you are getting into before going in.

    Have been to most of her productions and for better or for worse, it sticks with you.

  6. It’s edgy because of bodily fluids ! I have seen several of these productions – a good actor doesn’t need to spit on its audience to get their attention I.m.h.O.

  7. >On stage, naked nuns roller skate around on a movable half-pipe, while a bouldering wall of crucified naked bodies dripping blood looms in the background. To add to this chaos, there are live piercings, crucifix swallowing acts, unsimulated sex scenes and a sprinkle of spanking thrown in for good measure.

    >One particularly unforgettable moment sees an actress with dwarfism dressed as the Pope, being spun around by a robotic arm, while another features an actress belting out Eminem tracks while dressed as Jesus

    Is the thing any good? because it sounds like it’s just checking every ‘I’m provocative’ checkbox a la family guy.

  8. From what I read in german media, the people who fainted did so because of the blood. Similar to how people faint when they see actual blood.

  9. If it’s specifically advertised as the thing it is, I see no problem. Don’t watch it if you don’t like it.

  10. I’m pretty sure they won’t ever use a different historical religious figure due to fear of violence but this is cool

  11. > On Saturday we had eight and on Sunday we had 10 people who had to be looked after by our visitor service,” the opera’s spokesperson, Sebastian Ebling, told the newspaper Stuttgarter Zeitung. Ebling added that three of those who required assistance were feeling so unwell that a doctor had to be called.

    And what is normal for a three hour opera without breaks? Is this even related to the show or just standard numbers for a three hour event with hundreds of (often, older) guests?

    I’ve seen disney movies with a higher number of walk-outs…

  12. The tone and reactions remind me of those manufactured outrages in Russian VK over “immorality” circa 2013. Those were also about the things most of the people were OK with or didn’t care, like women dancing in a cathedral or a football player jerking off on camera

  13. Terrible, and nobody thinks of the children! Where can I see it? You know, for science and to know thy enemy, obviously!

  14. The most insulting thing about this is how boring it is. I could have come up with this shit at 15. Sex, blood and insulting the pope. How original.

  15. I was there at the second evening in Stuttgart. It was absolutely amazing. While obviously not being a traditional opera, what they did was way more than just trying to provoke. It had funny and beautiful moments and actually also some really good singing as well.
    A guy in his sixties or seventies like two rows in front of us got unconscious from a little incision with a scalpel which produced like 3 drops of blood. He was immediately helped outside and I wonder if he just didn’t know that he couldn’t see blood even at that age. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone who doesn’t faint at that.
    It was truly a marvelous and unique experience. At the end they got quite long standing ovations and I heard multiple people outside chitchatting how surprised they were at how good it was.

    Edit: There were multiple trigger warnings on posters about fake and real blood and wounds right at the entrance.

  16. I’m sure many Catholics will start beheading people for this. I’ll go ahead and get my long sword /s

  17. it would have been real provocative if they reenacted the holocaust.

    christian humiliation is tame by today’s standards.

  18. If they were naked, how do we know that they were nuns? And how can one be naked and wear roller skates at the same time?

  19. This is the oldest marketing trick in the book. Every screening of a horror movie also has People fainting and crying or having to be taken to hospital.

    Load of bullshit.

  20. I mean, I dunno what the hell this ‘opera’ is, but if you’re clamiing that you are so ill that you need a doctor simply because of something that you watched, then I’m sorry, you’re full of shit.

  21. I’m a little confused by the whole thing. Are people just buying tickets to things randomly? This seems to be this person’s entire career, in fact seemingly done even more questionably hygienic things in the past. It’s not like it’s a new thing, so what is going on here?

  22. Sounds better than whatever trash Till Schweiger or Matthias Schweighöfer come up with next

  23. >In 1921, German composer Paul Hindemith sought to debut his one-act opera *Sancta Susanna*, which explores a nunnery’s descent into sexual frenzy, at the prestigious Stuttgart Opera.

    >But outrage over its allegedly blasphemous text, which one critic at the time called a “desecration of our cultural institutions”, forced the premiere to be postponed until the following year at the Oper Frankfurt.

    >Now, over a century later, Stuttgart’s State Opera has brought a radical-feminist reinterpretation of Hindemith’s work to life with *Sancta*, directed by the avant-garde choreographer Florentina Holzinger.

    At least it seems to fit thematically, I wondered what opera that would be

  24. I just checked on the theater’s homepage – this production is part of several subscription series, that’s why there are probably some visitors that didn’t consciously select to see this exact piece (or at least weren’t aware that this is a somewhat extreme interpretation).

    Btw, for those who asked, it seems to be fully sold out. The homepage claims there are a few leftover tickets for the Nov 2 performance, but when you click on the seating chart, there are none available.


  25. Vulgarities masquerading as trenchant commentary on religion but that’s just my personal opinion. Freedom of speech on religion should be tolerated by all; if Catholicism can be excoriated and ridiculed then so can all other religions. Yes, even the one your mind reproaches any dissenting thoughts about a prophet so you don’t antagonise the unmentioned.

  26. Naked nuns?
    That is an entire sub category on specific websites.
    If the audience gets ill, I guess it was the wrong type of audience.

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