Nach Kasachstan hat Weißrussland Russland den Zugang zu Äpfeln blockiert

Nach Kasachstan hat Weißrussland Russland den Zugang zu Äpfeln blockiert

  1. Is this related to how Russia has resorted to bartering with fruit as a currency?

    I’m not even joking.


    >According to the agreement, Russia will provide 20,000 tons of chickpeas in exchange for the same amount of Pakistani rice. Separately, Pakistan will trade 10,000 tons of potatoes and 15,000 tons of mandarin oranges for 10,000 tons of Russian lentils and 15,000 tons of chickpeas.

    What’s the conversion rate from Belarusian apples to Pakistani potatoes?

  2. I’ve never been as convinced that Russia is fucked as I am after reading this. Like, there are countries denying them access to apples? Really?

  3. Another lucrative black market opens up, smuggling apples out of Belarus to the rich in Ruzzia. Gangsters gonna hustle.

  4. Belarus and Kazakhstan were like:
    “I’ve got Ukraine’s number! How do you like them apples!”

  5. Belarus is/was willing to let Russia try to blitz Kyiv from their country but now they won’t sell them apples? How do those politics work?

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