The Biden-Harris Economy is the envy of the World

The Biden-Harris Economy is the envy of the World

by groupnight

  1. this chart is hilarious. they apparently don’t realize that “uk” and “germany” are part of the EU.

    and clever to pick an index which excludes China.

  2. All of that GDP growth has been concentrated into the hands of about 1% of the population, not much to celebrate.

  3. There are many reasons Americans should vote for a positive future going forward. If someone is voting solely with their pocket book, there are specific reasons they should vote Harris-Walz 2024:

    Economy and Jobs – If a voter is voting with their pocketbook, several Nobel laureates have said the Trump economic plan will significantly increase inflation and the national deficit. Under Biden-Harris economics, inflation is now at 2.4%, unemployment fell to 4.1%, and interest rates are coming down. These are all thanks to the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts on the economy. In two years, the Inflation Reduction Act has created more than 334,000 clean energy jobs. Every single Republican voted No. Trump’s economic plans will take more money from low- and middle-income Americans, with a tax cut for the richest 5 percent of Americans, and a tax increase for all other income groups.

    Housing – Today’s rising housing costs are years in the making. Fewer new homes were built in the decade following the Great Recession than in any decade since the 1960s, causing a major shortfall in housing supply, by more than 1.5 million homes. During the Biden-Harris administration, they implemented the Housing Supply Action Plan to help with that shortfall and costs. This will be a long process, but it is in the works. Due to Biden’s successful economic plan, interest rates are starting to fall. Meanwhile, Trump’s plans include tax increases for middle class Americans making it more difficult to afford housing and necessities.

    Healthcare – If you are voting with your pocketbook, healthcare is a major consideration. Again, the Biden-Harris administration has implemented several policies that have lowered healthcare and prescription costs. On the flipside, Trump said he has a “concept of a plan”, but as we saw during Trump’s presidency, when Republicans were trying to overturn “Obamacare”, saying “Repeal and Replace”, it became clear Republicans have no plan.

    Climate Change – If you are voting with your pocket book, climate change should matter to you. It is having a huge impact on our economy that requires extensive planning. President Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Accords on his first day in office. And the Biden-Harris administration is delivering on the most aggressive climate agenda in American history through investments in clean energy. Meanwhile, Trump rants about climate change in an incoherent manner, and Project 2025 has plans to dismantle NOAA and FEMA.

    Choose to vote for a positive future going forward. Vote Harris-Walz 2024.

  4. Lady who is campaigning to fix the economy also should be celebrated because there are no ssues with it

    Anyone who post like this should be required to show their living conditions


  6. Unpack the stats, it’s all government workers and welfare payments from debt we have no intention to repay.

  7. This is great if you were already rich- and notice how it’s conveniently NOT adjusted for inflation.

    Meanwhile, the REAL buying power of average Americans has been crushed!

    Both parties suck.


  8. This is an economics sub and I feel like no one in the comments understands inflation or debt. This sub has become a bunch of political BS. Go complain and be partisan somewhere else.

  9. The American economy has always been the envy of the world. Biden Harris economy is one of the worst in the last 20 to 30 years.

  10. Not surprised when you nearly double the federal budget, raising it from 4 trillion per year to 7 trillion per year. Biden hired over 700,000 federal employees last year alone. That comes out to 2000 people hired per day every single day, weekends, and holidays included. This is called, borrowing money to fake your economic numbers.

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