Spanish PM Sánchez urges countries to stop selling arms to Israel

Spanish PM Sánchez urges countries to stop selling arms to Israel

by Purple-Phrase-9180

  1. Ireland and Spain are among the only countries in Europe that managed to grow a spine. France seems to be waking up too. Hope the wind of change is coming strong.

  2. I can’t understand why some European countries continue to support Israel whilst Europe is already dealing with a massive refugee and migration crisis, can they really not look beyond the short term ?

    Where do you think the Palestinian refugees and refugees from nearby countries will go if Israel gets its way and claims more and more of what they consider their land ?

    They don’t want a Palestinian state as they want that land (the settlors), they don’t want Palestinians in the West Bank to be in Israel as they may become a majority, they want Gaza gone so it is not a threat and when Palestinians leave,usually as refugees, they are denied a return.

    This all points to only one conclusion, forcing as many Palestinians to leave as possible by taking more land and leaving the rest in dire poverty, and when many inevitably end up in Europe as refugees, Israel will not allow them to return to their homes.

    The Spanish PM is right, stop selling arms and start pressuring for the creation of a Palestinian state before we deal with yet another refugee crisis. Israel’s right to exist can also be supported but it cannot be with however much Palestinian land they want.

  3. What a disgrace. Well Spain will have to accept it’s droves of peaceful islamists refugees then

  4. I’ve got to admit, I did not expect this post to tranform into an active warzone. Perhaps it needs to be archived?

  5. Sánchez: No weapons for Israel.

    Also Sánchez: Keep supporting UNRWA [despite all of its ties to UNRWA].

    This is antisemitism. Wanting to indirectly aid Hamas while hampering Israel’s ability to defend itself sounds a lot like you’re trying to enable Hamas.

  6. Gotta love to see the dozens of Zionist bots mass downvoting every comment that doesn’t agree with the need to murder a thousand civilians a week.

  7. The Israeli bot farm is at it again. This is relatively unpopular post, yet look at how many downvotes even moderate comments get, as long as they don’t explicitly oppose Spain or support Israel.

  8. I respect other peoples opinion, hell we are in democracy here in EU, but i cant have it with this political dinosaurus, he used his political power to cover his wife in corruption f*ckfest and he is a massive hypocratic moron (actively suppresing Catalonia without even talking)
    There isnt anyone better in spanish politics or what? (This is as bad as Vox or how do you call for a change those populist dumbasses)

  9. I like Joe Biden and believe he’s done well overall but on the difficult Israel file he’s come up short. He seems not to be using the significant leverage he has to coerce Israel into making better decisions, especially in Gaza.
    By not exercising more leverage, he puts Harris at a distinct disadvantage not unlike the way president Johnson undermined his VP’s presidential campaign (Humphrey) in the 1968 election by declaring his support for the Vietnam War.

  10. He is the most coherent leader in the world. If a third country invades a sovereign one that should be condemned. No matter if is Russia or Israel.

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