Poland Has a Kickass Message for Putin

Poland Has a Kickass Message for Putin

by winkledorf

  1. I guess Ukraine would be very happy if the alles would practise first with all russian assets around Donezk or the Crimea

  2. Nothing like a little chest-beating to rile up one’s neighbours. Especially when your neighbour is trying to beat on your other neighbours.

  3. That’s the only message a terrorist state will understand. You hit us, we will hit you back, but ten times as hard.

  4. At this point, Putin knows it would be a death wish to fuck with Lithuania or any Baltic states that’s part of NATO right?

  5. Poland is fast becoming the greatest single military power in Europe, less nuclear weapons.

  6. I remember a similar message from an ex-CIA chief when Putin failed the 3 days invasion and threaten with nuclear weapons, that at the first sign of real aggression Russia will be struck by NATO in the first 30 minutes all over on all know targets, that Russia’s only chance would be rogue submarines.

    Since then this message seems to have been dissapaired and NATO choose to cower to Putin’s threats.

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