And you guys dare to say Dutch is stupid

And you guys dare to say Dutch is stupid

by florism312

  1. The real joke is on us for learning that stupid language, just so we can communicate with Barry and his special needs children

  2. Finnish doesn’t have such weakness

    We just have a million cases

    Auto, auton, autoa, autosta, autolla, autoon, autossa, autolta, autolle, autona, autoksi, autotta, etc

  3. When it comes to Dutch, I’ve always said it’s not the language that’s dumb, it’s the people

  4. Ive seen this before and its still funny. Thanks for making me laugh. And honestly english is not a stupid language, neither is dutch.. Frysian is. No I’m not sorry.

  5. Dutch only sounds stupid because it’s experienced by people used to English.

    Their language now being an object of ridicule is one of the better legacies of colonialism.

  6. Dutch is actually good with stuff like this, we regularly update the spelling of words so you don’t get these 600 year old spellings with weird prenounciation.

    I still remember in the 1990ies the word pannekoek (pancake) got an extra N and society threw a fitt! Half the pancake houses were were obstinately not updating their signs and shit.

  7. The strength of English is it’s stupidity.

    The world’s language is a creole language without any regulator! Hence the chaos.

    But yes any language with genders is also… Dumb. Especially German.

  8. After 15 years of living in Switzerland, I’ve mastered French:


    Truly a noble language

  9. Yeah, this only really works if you’re not aware that English words are often not pronounced how they’re spelt.

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