DUP minister Gordon Lyons will not meet prominent Irish language group


A DUP Stormont minister who met the Loyalist Communities Council (LCC) has refused to meet one of the Ireland’s oldest and most prominent Irish language groups.

Communities minister Gordon Lyons has faced criticism after he met members the LCC umbrella group on Tuesday.

Set up in 2015, it represents the UVF, UDA and Red Hand Commando.

It voiced objections to an Irish language school in east Belfast during a recent meeting with DUP education minister Paul Givan.

Mr Givan has also refused to meet Conradh na Gaeilge.

The north’s main Irish language representative group, Conradh na Gaeilge, which was formed in 1893, said that the DUP has refused every request for a meeting sent since the executive was re-established in February.

Conchúr Ó Muadaigh, Advocacy Manager with Conradh na Gaeilge said “all of those requests have been to discuss important issues that have been outstanding”.

The DUP was contacted.

Mr Ó Muadaigh said his group has also contacted Mr Lyons requesting a meeting, which was refused.

“On this occasion, we wrote to Minister Lyons to discuss his intentions around the Irish language strategy which he has primary responsibility for, a strategy which has been outstanding for almost 20 years,” he said.

“The coming weeks will act a severe litmus test of DUP ministers and the broader executive, as we expect firm announcements on this Irish language strategy and the long overdue Irish Language Commissioner.”

A spokesman for the Department for Communities said Mr Lyons has met representatives from Forbairt Feirste, which it supports and cross-border group Foras na Gaeilge during his time as minister.

Since taking up office Mr Lyons has attended various events linked to the unionist community including those involving bands, Ulster Scots bodies, the Orange Order and museums associated with the British army.

Mr Lyons attended his first GAA event last month, just weeks after it emerged he had turned down invitations to attend two GAA events, including the All-Ireland final in July.

by vague_intentionally_

  1. The DUP aren’t going anywhere so the logical answer here is for Conradh na Gaeilge to form an armed wing.

    Blame Gordon Lyons.

  2. The usual lazy shit stirring from the DUP. This sort of stuff plays to their voter base, makes it look like they’re doing something (however negative) and conveniently ignores the real world issues.

  3. On a side note being a lad that grew up in a unionist area could anybody recommend any classes where I can go to learn Irish or any good books / youtube channels I can use?

  4. What a fucking arsehole. I am still shocked when I see this shite. You’d think I’d learn by now.

    The loyalist groups probably told him not to. Gotta do what the dog says if you’re gonna wag the tail

  5. Who cares the never ending demands for special treatment and inclusion for a language that about 1% of people speak is crazy

    A waste of money and government time

    I care about the state of hospitals and if the police will show up when i need them not if they have a Irish language motto on there uniform or something insane

    Just because SF have made the Irish language a political football it doesn’t mean that we should pay it any attention

    I say this as a mixed religion family and on the fence voters in any United ireland vote though more unionist at the moment

  6. It’s about time somebody bypassed this nonsense and went to the court of human rights or whatever it is. How a language and culture is being racially profiled like this is ludicrous 

  7. Paul givan refused to meet the rainbow project but met with religious leaders over sex education. Nothing new for the DUP

  8. Who’s daughter is next. Loyalist Communities Council (LCC) has met Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) Minister for Communities Gordon Lyons to talk about the grooming of teenage girls in the Rathcoole by the UDA boss and his gang ‘sleeping with teen girls as payment for their drug debts’ can they let the UDA come to our schools to talk about the good work the Loyalist Communities Council do in the area with the help of education minister Paul Given. Rochdale is no different from Rathcoole for grooming of young girls and MLA / politicians turning a blind eye. These LCC clowns do not do any good for the communities. More harm than good.

  9. Nasty cunts, I’m from the south living up here and I can’t believe that current, active loyalist paramilitaries are regularly consulted on so many issues.

    The bots will say ‘but Sinn Fein’, but Sinn Fein did leave the gun behind.

  10. Tell him they are Protestants with guns who blight the lives of the people in their community. He’ll be there in a jiffy.

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