Während sich die Kämpfe entlang der Kontaktlinie mit der Ukraine verschärfen, gibt es weiterhin schwere russische Verluste

Während sich die Kämpfe entlang der Kontaktlinie mit der Ukraine verschärfen, gibt es weiterhin schwere russische Verluste


  1. War has a brutal efficiency: it culls the poor and dispossessed, reducing the drain on resources, while consolidating power and wealth for those who remain.

    For Putin, the battlefield may serve more than territorial ambitions—it can be a tool for population control, reshaping society to his advantage through calculated destruction and survival of the fittest.

    War isn’t just a strategy; it’s a purge.

  2. How many generations have been destroyed in Russia. And they want to force women to have babies for the meat grinder.

  3. All those lives lost and bitch Putin still does not care. He ruined Russian demographics for decades to come. Bitch Putin sends people to their deaths while he sits safely in his palace.

  4. Little Vlad doesn’t care about casualties. What he will end up caring about is actually running out of equipment to fight with. Those Soviet stockpiles of tanks and artillery are being rapidly depleted; they’re already bringing out pieces that were used in WWII, and the factories are taking longer and longer to refurbish pieces as they bring out stuff in worse and worse condition. When Russia doesn’t have enough armor and big guns to threaten their neighbors, the Putin will care.

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