Ruining our country ?

Ruining our country ?

Posted by dovelake1

  1. The same people said the same things about the Irish and the Italians and the Germans and the Chinese and and and.

    Racist bullshit is part and parcel of the conservative American mindset, always has been, always will be.

  2. Funny enough, an illegal is probably taking care of him and wiping his ass for minimum wage (true story)

  3. People like to use exploiting immigrants as a talking point as to why we need them. I worked in commercial construction for over 20 years and I have seen people die or be severely hurt because they said they could do something they couldn’t. They knew if they said they couldn’t do something they would not only be fired but stranded in the US. How about actually reforming how these people get paid and jobs? Instead of punishing the undocumented immigrant, punish the company for using them in such a horrific manner. Post like this is pushing that we need them because they are cheap and disposable. We need them because that is what makes America America. They deserve a real wage, safety training, and regulated equipment

  4. I don’t think Santa Claus would be quite so inconsiderate given that he visits from an ice sheet with no associated nationality (yes, there are claims on the seabed under the polar ice cap).

  5. What is this world coming to?! Even Santa Claus is laying off the elves and hiring Hispanics.

  6. Literally my neighbors. Trump signs and having working class folks do all sorts of work on their place. So sad.

  7. Each deportation costs $10,000.

    If we could somehow deport 1 million illegal immigrants a year (the best we’ve ever done is 300k), that’s $10 Billion.

    To Deport 20 million illegal immigrants will cost $200 Billion and take 20 years.

    I say we let them stay, let them keep working, and pay taxes. Maybe charge them a small $1500 processing fee to become legal and make an instant $30 Billion in about a week.

  8. Remember during pandemic and Columbus day rolled around? Everyone jumped on their keyboards and readied to wax eloquent about this celebration of white people. Then discovered that Columbus day and st Patrick’s day were designated for the same reason MLK was: to combat out of control racism against the Italians and Irish. Maybe the easiest lesson? If white people don’t have brown people to hate, they’ll make up reasons. Their hair is red! They are catholic! There will be somethingĀ 

  9. I saw a pro-Trump sign that read ā€œPROTECT OUR WAY OF LIFE.ā€ Our ā€œway of lifeā€ has included immigrants from the beginning. Our country without immigrants would destroy our way of life. Think about the agricultural industry as just one example.

  10. Wait till they see who will be taking care of them as they get older since they have disowned their families or driven them away.

  11. “Illegals” should be quickly made into “legals” and the problem will be solved. Just pass a law or two.

  12. Just asking for a friend… The guy in the top left, what’s going on between his legs?

  13. The cognitive dissonance in these people is ridiculous. My neighbor was extremely glad he had mexicans doing his roof because he said Americans are lazy, but then spouts all this nonsense about immigrants ruining the country. Has me flabbergasted at the mental gymnastics these people employ

  14. All of them should be in prison.

    No trial just straight to prison before they destroy OUR nation.

  15. I think some ā€œwhiteā€ people forget their history. There was a time that Irish was mixed in with colored people in not being welcome.

  16. This picture is highly inaccurateā€¦. If there was a quintessential socialistā€¦ It would be Santa Claus. Canā€™t portray Santa as a racist POS MAGA asshole. If Santa had a vote he would def vote for love an equality not for hate bigotry and for $$ā€¦ same for Jesus. Sorry evangelicals, you say you follow the teachings of Jesus??? Then show America you actually practice what you preach

  17. I have been on a job with a whole bunch of immigrants and the homeowner (older white women) keeps asking me about their legal status or if any of them speak English and basically being a shitty person. Like lady, why did you hire us? 90% of this industry are immigrants.

  18. So, you do understand that the value of that labor is being undercut by people willing to work for less because they aren’t allowed to be here, correct? If there weren’t illegal immigrants contractors would be forced to pay higher wages.

  19. forgot all the ones that harvest our food on the farms that the very same farmers are supposedly terrified of but happy to pay a lower than American rate of pay to for their hard work.

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