Putin Victory? Big Divide In NATO Over Russia Policy, Military Bloc May Change Strategy |Ukraine War

Putin Victory? Big Divide In NATO Over Russia Policy, Military Bloc May Change Strategy |Ukraine War

As tensions rise between NATO and Russia, defense ministers are set to meet in Brussels to rethink their decades-old strategy. With the 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act outdated, some NATO members worry that a more aggressive stance could destabilize Russia further.


#NATOVsRussia #RussiaUkraineWar #PutinThreat #NATOStrategy #EuropeanSecurity

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  1. НАТО загнали себя в угол своей безрассудной и бестолковой политикой.Сейчас они понимают что на Украине они уже проиграли это вопрос времени,и как им с этим жить я не знаю.Российская армия сейчас номер 1 в мире а украинская 2-я,а их армии я не знаю на каком рейтинге.Сунутся на Россию по зубам очень жёстко получат с ними не будут церемонится как с Украиной.С ними будет всё более жёстко происходить!

  2. No that is not what is happening. This is just an anti-western anti-natal anti-American channel on a United States social media platform. None of this is happening. We will continue to aid Ukraine.

  3. It’s simple, Entire NATO should understand that other countries are not at their mercy and sanctions can be no longer sustainable. Sanctions only will stop further growth of NATO COUNTRIES. Stupid thinking will not work out any more.

  4. NATO must stop it's Aggressive Imperialistic Expansionism East and abandon all Neo-Colonialists efforts. European Colonial Powers may be in Union today that doesn't mean that former Colonies will subject themselves to Colonial rule again be it NATO, or the EU, or the USA, they want Democracy and progress not subjection to Empire.

  5. My plead to EU, Please be on side of Russia. The Europe & European would be the best in world. Do not fear with Russia, it's your neighbour. There might be dispute BUT IT can be resolve.
    Wish to see Europe the best in earth.

  6. President Putin is the only one with sober and highly intelligent minds. His counterparts in Amerikkka and the West/Nato are weak and insane and have no moral compass. It died in Gaza.

  7. Nato a more accurate rendering of this acronym would be nazi affiliated terrorist organisation responsible for destroying yugoslavia libya afghanistan iraq iinter alia and subverting their individual countries by grotesque military expenditure for the financial benefit of their ruling elites a financial money making scam of grotesque proportions as lindsay graham south catolina candidly admitted.

  8. As a hungarian, I really do think we should have left this terrorist organization called NATO waaaay before. It brought only devastation to many countries such as Libya, Syria, Afganistan, Iraq and the list goes on. Now the list expands with Ukraine. Russia is not the enemy!! But USA led shit is!

  9. It is not a case of NATO being afraid of Putin it is the possibility that Russia will completely destroy the nuclear power station in Southern Ukraine if Putin thinks he is going to lose the war !

  10. One side is always looking for a war as a way of expanding and the other just wants to live peacefully and trade with everybody.
    The war party want to be king of the mountain and own everything and treat everyone else as surfs and cash cows,
    the other side wants to enhance trade and bring everyone out of poverty for a better world.
    There's Evil v's Good, there's deception and lies V'c honesty and truth, there'ds total power and corruption V's multipolarity and honesty.
    We all know what side will win in the end. God has already told us. This is the Armageddon he told us about.

  11. Everyone can see who is really the aggressor and warmonger in this war, which is why there is a growing wave of sympathy for Russia among ordinary people in the West. Other areas of the world have long sympathized with Russia and supported it morally, from the very beginning. The only question remains whether NATO's aggression will lead the world to nuclear war and whether we will all suffer from it.

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