“Isn’t it nice to have a guy that doesn’t need a teleprompter”, Trump asked supporters moments after fixing his teleprompter.

Posted by h20poIo

  1. Hold on a second. Are you telling me that the word salad he spews out of his Orange k-hole, is scripted? Like he puts shit on a teleprompter to FOLLOW while he talks?

    We need to grasp the true meaning of this, it means that at some point he sat down with a group of writers, and they came up with the crazy shit he says during his rallies, and he just FOLLOWS ALONG…. like what the fuck?

    I thought he just made shit up on the fly, like stream of conciseness kind of thing, but no, this crap is pre-meditated.

  2. “Isn’t it nice to eagerly vote multiple times for a big loser who is about to lose yet another election many world-record breaking numbers of times?” Loser man asks his loser fans.

  3. Don’t believe your lying eyes!! This is not the president you are looking for!

    Vote this incredibly incoherent orange waste of hateful voluminous skin out of our political system.

    We need an adult as President of the United States. A uniter, not a hateful divider.

    We need a landslide for Harris/Walz to send a clear message. Deranged trump and his Project 2025 are not compatible with our great democratic Republic.

    Vote. Don’t sit this one out. If you love our country, Vote.

  4. Wait, hold the press, trump is being a hypocrite!? I don’t believe it, that’s not like him…..

  5. I’ve never understood the teleprompter attack on Obama.

    I mean I understand it fully but when we take it at face value. What are they saying when they attack Obama for using a teleprompter. That he’s prepared? That there’s been thought put into his remarks?

    Oh no, heavens to betsy…

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