Opinion: To Progressives Who Are Not Supporting Kamala

Opinion: To Progressives Who Are Not Supporting Kamala

Opinion: To Progressives Who Are Not Supporting Kamala

by peterst28

  1. Some snippets:

    When we vote in elections we are not electing our leaders. We the people must lead.

    When we vote in elections, we are actually choosing our opponents. We are choosing those whom we will pressure and push to do the right thing. It makes sense for us to elect those whom we think we can be most successful in moving to better positions.

    Given the fact that Trump has consistently called for jailing protesters who support Palestinian rights, and recommended calling out the military against Black Lives Matter protesters, I think it’s clear that we would rather spend the next four years organizing to move Kamala, not Trump.

    Trump’s climate policies would spell disaster for the entire world. Carbon Brief has [calculated](https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-trump-election-win-could-add-4bn-tonnes-to-us-emissions-by-2030/?utm_source=cbnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=2024-03-06&utm_campaign=Just+published+Carbon+Brief+s+emissions+analysis+of+Trump+vs+Biden) that his announced policies would result in an additional 4 billion tons of emissions generated by the U.S. by 2030. That’s enough to negate–twice over– all of the gains the entire world has made in the last five years by installing solar and wind energy.

    The people of the world will suffer if we allow Trump to become president. At this point, working for Kamala Harris to be elected, and voting for her, is the only way to prevent Trump becoming president. I think we owe this to the world, as well as to our nation.

  2. stop being weenies. there is NEVER a perfect candidate.  YOU are responsible for choosing one that you and others can sway and persuade to move in the direction you want. it takes time and work to change course. You can achieve an effect with the candidate that is MORE receptive to your cause.  Organize and create groundswell, leaders will listen.  if you are waiting for some wizard with all the correct stances, well- you are dreaming.  it is not a vote n go show.  you gotta show up and exert pressure so that politicians are forced to answer.  it is a consistent pressure and exercise that succeeds. you know this.

  3. Don’t like Kamala because…? Still would be 1,000x better than trump. Guess what, I didn’t love Biden either but still voted for him and he was the best president of my lifetime so far. Perfect, no. Waiting for perfect won’t get you towards your goal line but staying on the bench will let your opponents get to theirs

  4. Oh, Amherst. I’m happy Amherst remains resolutely a community of hippie college professors, smashing the town founder’s vision to pieces at every opportunity. Keep it up, friends.

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