Please Rent Our Spare Room, Just Don’t Live In It – £1,200!

This kind of shit needs to be outlawed

by sabdotzed

  1. It’s their home and you’re essentially a guest. They say jump, you say how high. That’s just how it works if you want a live-in landlord.

    If you *don’t* want to live in someone else’s home and live by their rules, team up with someone and rent an entire flat from a landlord directly, so that you’re a tenant.

  2. why did you grey out their name? SHAME THEM.

    I suspect they are starting to fall closer to the line of not saving a penny because their mortgage has increased.

  3. If the alternative is them not renting out the room at all because they do want the place to their own a few nights a month, would that be better? Rents are so high because demand is outstripping supply, and they are adding one room to the supply. They’re just setting their expectations out clearly, and who knows, there might be someone out there who is happy with that, as long as the rent is lower than other rooms in the area.

  4. Doesn’t sound terrible.. the arrangement they’re looking for might suit someone well. Sounds like a nice apartment in a prime location.

  5. tbf they may want the whole place themselves sometimes so they can shag and nobody hear of them. In house sharing setting you would appreciate that bit of privacy. And I agree the price is debatable.

  6. Meh, not that crazy. The real question is why exactly do they do on those 4 nights 👀 lol

  7. It’s not even a good deal if you accept the premise. “3-4 nights a month” is 10% of nights, but they’re only offering a 8% discount.

  8. I’ve lived with flatmates like this and it fucking sucked. Became really apparent really quickly that they didn’t want a flatmate, but just couldn’t actually afford rent on a two bedroom flat. I got really resentful looks when I used the kitchen, got told off for using the washing machine unless I checked with them first (i.e. they felt entitled to first dibs), and I couldn’t use the living room because the only furniture was a two seater couch which was always in use by them in the evenings. I basically never left my room when I was home, although they clearly hated that too. Who the fuck wants to pay £1200 to feel like an intrusive houseguest, lol.

  9. They seem like the kind of people to split the bills for the whole month rather than the time you’re away as well.

  10. OP’s never heard of a Mon-Fri let.

    Also the title makes it sound like it’s only available to stay there 0-2 nights a week.

    Being away 4 nights a MONTH is vastly different to this exaggerated post.

    Stating they want some alone time one night a week, while not normal, is upfront and honest.

    People that don’t want that, and don’t have a partner they’ll stay with one night week, aren’t a good fit.

    I really don’t see the issue.

    >This kind of shit needs to be outlawed

    Upfront honesty from owners when lodging should be outlawed? This is the least offensive ‘rental post’ I’ve seen on this sub for years.

  11. Whoever thinks this I’d delusional hasn’t tried to rent in London for more than 5 years. This is one of the more sane options, believe it or not! (OP where do people sign up?!? 🤣)

  12. Bonkers what’s going on in London now with regards to Rental, I rented a 5 bedroom house for £1625 a month best part of 20 years ago, Zone 2. Everyone I lived with then used the cheap rent to save up, take internships etc to try and get ahead, we’d all have no chance now

  13. A reduction of 1/13th of the price on the condition that you spent 1/10th less time there. I feel like this isn’t a fair deal

  14. Paying 1200 and still expected to stay at mum and dads half a week every month. More importantly would be living with someone knowing they don’t want you there.. that much. These two are clowns.

  15. Since when was Battersea in Zone 1, regardless of whatever they wanted to call the tube station?!

  16. This is absolutely ridiculous. It’s actually pathetic that people think they can advertise this bs.

  17. Sounds like their mortgage renews on 17th November at a rate they can no longer afford. 6 month let probably reflects the hope of getting pay rises in that time.

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