Opinion | Give Ukraine NATO Membership. Peace Depends on It.

Opinion | Give Ukraine NATO Membership. Peace Depends on It.


by Barch3

  1. And give Ukraine the authority to use our weapons to attack Russian strategic weapons and bases wherever they are, including in the heart of Russia.

  2. If Ukraine was in Nato this war wouldn’t have happened and Crimea would still be part of Ukraine. The West didn’t let Ukraine join because Putin would’ve been upset. Where did that appeasement get us? As John McCain said Putin only understands one thing … you can never show weakness to that degenerate gangster.

    It’s not to late. Let Ukraine join. What’s Putin going to do? Threaten the west? That’s all he’s been doing anyway. The longer that snake stays in Ukraine the more dangerous the situation becomes. Kick his skinny ass out of Ukraine now.

  3. Peace depends on our willingness to enforce the rule saying that a country must never be allowed to take territory from another country by force. If we are then let’s stop Russia immediately, if we’re not then NATO is just a pile of papers anyway and all smaller countries need to start building nukes.

  4. Sure, if Hungary anhd Turkey didn’t have a veto on that invitation. The Czechs looks pretty iffy these days, too.

  5. Or we could give them a few nuclear warheads in compensation for the 4,000 they gave away or destroyed in the nineties. At this point, the US has obviously given up on the non-proliferation treaty, so we should expect more and more nations to announce that they now have a functioning atomic bomb. The first will be Japan and South Korea, but will be quickly followed by Taiwan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and others. Congratulations, Jake Sullivan. You succeeded in containing Russia, but at the cost of destroying the post-WWII international order, and with it the international nuclear taboo.

  6. All this US fantasies and how would you imagine that??! As soon as they are in NATO article 5 is callled. Luckily its not on the american continent …..

    We have to give Ukraine all the support we can. The idea with boots on the grounds to seal of the borders and airspace that Ukraine can concentrate on the east flank would be better. But we (the EU) cant be an active part of this war. My opinion.

  7. Lots of different options are actually possible – especially if NATO gets starts to get directly involved, then it’s game over for Putin inside Ukraine.
    I am not sure why we just don’t warn him to leave – although we would have to be prepared to follow through with that. But that’s currently not how they are operating.

    Logically the west should be doing everything to ensure a Ukrainian win – and they are not yet doing that.

  8. A simple solution exists.
    Close the skies over our ally, period and done.

    If the skies are closed, Putin will no longer have any advantage. No glide bombs–
    Close the skies & this war is over inside of 6months.
    Is that a tough “decision” to make? Of courde it is, we need leaders to LEAD & that requires them to make TOUGH choicrs.

    Close the Sky’s Save everyones lives!!!

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