I have a 6 and an 8 year old; is it legit for me to use these bays still? 🧐

by Character-Bathroom56

  1. I mean… presumably you still need to keep an eye on the six year old at least. A car park is a place where big heavy vehicles are moving, and there’s always at least one nutter who’s driving out of there at speed.

    If you feel like any of your kids are at risk with a walk around the car park, I would presume that’s what the space is for.

    Just my personal opinion.

  2. As long as the kids are with you, it’s fair game.
    6 and 8 are still very much kids.

  3. Any kid below teenage ~~necessitates~~ warrants the use of these.

    That said I stopped using them once my kids were old enough to get in and out of the car themselves.

  4. Yeah absolutely.

    My self imposed “rules” on parent and child spaces are you can use them if you need to help your child get in/out the car or buckle their seatbelt. Additionally it’s fine to use them if they can do all this themselves but they don’t have the dexterity to open the car doors in a controlled way so as not to put other people’s cars at risk of being hit.

  5. You’re 100% the intended user of these bays. Imagine wiggling your two young kids out of a normal bay, where the guy parked next to you is all the way over, and then guiding them through a busy car park safely

    You’ve got the nice extended gap to account for excitable kids swinging their doors out, and the safe covered walkway to get to the store without worrying about racer boys playing silly buggers

  6. I thought most of these were filled my middle aged balding males in BMW’s anyway. It should be until your child is completely safe on a car park, which is like 18 (at least!).

  7. Rules say you are, my kids were fine getting in/out of the car and to / from the shops after they turned 7.
    So i’d expect with your youngest, you would be sensible on using the spaces still.

    Personally, now mine are a little older I would rather leave the bays to those with younger children who really needed the extra space.

    So it should be up to parents to use only when needed.

  8. I went to Sainsbury’s with my dad but he is 79 and I am 57 so we didn’t use them.

  9. Not really needed with the 8yo (unless they have additional needs), but with the younger one probably so and juggling a younger one and an 8yo yes for sure.

    My personal rule was to use them until I no longer felt I needed the additional space, which was around 7yo for our daughter when she could climb in and out of the car on her own, do her own seatbelt, be trusted not to run into three car park, and be trusted to listen when I say not to open the door but wait for me to do it (so she won’t smash it into a neighbouring car). Other children might develop at different rates of course

    My other rule is not to judge anyone who uses the bays and doesn’t appear to need them. I have a friend with Crohn’s, for example, who can’t get a disabled badge for his car and so can’t use those bays, but sometimes might literally shit himself if he doesn’t park as close as possible and dash into the toilets in the store. To the casual observer, they might think he’s taking advantage, but challenge him and he’ll probably shit himself. So is it really worth it.

  10. Northwich?

    Best I’ve seen is an elderly gentleman rock up in an open top Jag with his middle aged daughter, and yes he was challenged. Zero care whatsoever.

    For me though these bay _should_ be for parents with kids less than 10 years old.

  11. My personal opinion would be that if one or more of your children are still legally required to use a car seat or booster seat then it’s acceptable to use a Parent & Child parking bay.

  12. As a parent of 3 kids, I wish they would put these spaces away from the shop. It infuriates me that people use them without kids or they are old / can’t get a disabled badge because they are closer.

    I really don’t care how close I am to the shop – the extra space to open the doors so I can get the kids in and out without risk to my or anyone else’s car is all I need them for.

  13. You mean these aren’t the sole reserve of 25-30 year old Gymshark lads with a fully-leased flared-arch 3 series, kev’d up Merc or a Lambo, which they park on their parents driveway at night?

  14. People with young children can park in horse bats as long as they’re not filled with arsey BMW drivers.

  15. As per the rules yes.
    Ethically, if you need it, eg a buggy or one of the kids has poor road awareness yes, otherwise, not really. It totally depends on the situation.

    Honestly as a wheelchair user if the blue badge spot is taken I use a child space as it gives me the room I need, and I do need it. That’s not what the rules say but what else can I do, park across 2 spaces? As that’s surely more annoying for people.

  16. Were you having an argument with your 8 and 6 year old over whether you were allowed to park there?

  17. Yep that is fine.know someone who used it when their child was 16..they work for the police…might help explain some things!

  18. Can you use the parent and child bays when you’re heavily pregnant? Only asking as I’m increasingly resembling a blimp and it’s getting harder and harder to get in or out of the car without having the door all the way open which obviously doesn’t work if anyone parks next to me. Plus I did bring a child to the bay (although if she manages to run off from in utero I’m completely fucked).

  19. I was always under the impression they were close to the shop (or along an uninterrupted pathway) so young children didn’t have to cross where cars are driving. As well as being wider so doors didn’t get banged by children.

    If you wouldn’t let your child cross the road on their own (essentially anyone under 11 I’d say), then they’re for you no matter what the specific shop rules are.

  20. I’d like to add that I also think it’s perfectly acceptable for pregnant women to use these too! Getting in and out of a small car bay when you have a 34 week bump is a mission! Mine are older now and we use them occasionally but if the last one was taken by a heavily pregnant woman, I’d have no problem with it at all.

  21. I see people roll up and use these spots with kids who look 16 or so. I wouldn’t worry with a 6 year old.

  22. I see them as parent and toddler. Basically if you’re going to have a pram/need to strap someone in a car seat.

  23. Is it acceptable to use these when visibly pregnant? I’m just over 30 weeks pregnant and am waddling at this point. It wouid be helpful to not have to waddle so far especially when my hip and back pain is bad.

  24. I think these need a wee bit of rebranding. I’m sure there are plenty of people with neuro divergent kids who probably look too old but could still do with the extra space.

  25. Signs say under 12 is fine. I will say I do find it a bit annoying when I see someone with a perfectly able 12 year old who gets themselves in and out the car without assistance take a space and I have to park in a regular space with my 7 month old because all the spaces are taken. I do think a bit of common sense is required.

  26. Bruh I saw someone park next to me with my 8 month old and they and their 16 year old got out the car. Go nuts nobody gives a shit anymore

  27. Always wondered what that age was. 12 doesn’t really make sense I assumed it was like 5 or under. I swear I’ve seen one that says Parent and Toddler parking too in one of the supermarkets.

  28. I’m 99% sure this is my local Sainsbury’s, I don’t know if I’m impressed or disappointed in myself for recognising it from this photo.

  29. Technically you can BUT you should really leave them for parents with kids who cannot walk safely unaided (under 5’s) or parents need the extra space for a car seat/buggy etc.

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