UK’s fertility rate falling faster than any other G7 nation | UK News

UK’s fertility rate falling faster than any other G7 nation | UK News

by cybrzone_

  1. I am shocked!!!!! So let me get this straight, the price of everything has gone through the fucking roof and we are surprised to see less people having kids ????? What a revelation!!!!

    I don’t even want kids, but I feel sorry for the people that do….. and if we are looking at this from a purely “economic” angle, if the government don’t make a genuine effort to reduce the cost of living this is going to get waaaaaaay worse.

    Let’s face it we all know having kids has always been expensive, but even just the idea of having kids these days goes out the window when you realise you can leave home, because you can’t afford rent or a mortgage. That’s before you even get onto the conversation of childcare, which is essentially like paying a second mortgage.

  2. the government need to get the arse in gear and do something about this.

    It’s an actual disaster for the population.

    You need a fertility rate of about 2.1 to sustain population.

    >for example, let’s say country X has a population with 10,000 people born each year.

    >Let’s see total population after three generations with a fertility rate of 1.71 (current UK rate)

    >(10000 / 2.1) x 1.71 = 8142

    >(8142/2.1) x 1.71 = 6629

    >(6629/2.1) x 1.71 = 5400

    >46% decrease in population over three generations (assuming each generation is 30 years)

  3. And this is happening to a birth rate tht has already been sub replacement for decades. We are deeply screwed and at this point there is no possible fix.

  4. Why are the saying “fertility rate” instead of birth rate? I thought before reading the article there was something in the water or sommat stopping pregnancies, whereas of course, it’s just poverty 🙂

  5. Westminster: Welp, better crank up the immigration numbers again and hope that the third world countries we’re milking GDP inflators from don’t cut off the tap now that their own fertility rates are plummetting 

  6. Huh, turns out people don’t want to bring kids into a household with no money… who’d a thunk.

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