That Look On Your Face

Posted by Ah-Misfit

  1. And you can’t even say he was sending them away to protect them. He was outsourcing to other states to get immigrants to lob at blue states.

  2. Bussing immigrants to other states FROM other states! He had to outsource his immigrants!

  3. This asshole went on FOX and said Florida doesn’t want FEMA’s help.

    >”In Florida, we run the show,” said DeSantis. “I am the sheriff that is in charge and we will make sure to protect you, do not worry about it.”

    >DeSantis appeared on Fox News this week to claim the Federal Emergency Management Agency was “running amok” and undermining his leadership.

    Small dick energy. Biden should withdraw FEMA assistance and say it was “at the request of Sheriff DeSantis.”

  4. With the way things are going, besides all the water, Florida may have another Blue shift in its future.

  5. While I would like to help out my fellow human who just went through two natural disasters in FL, I do not want my tax dollars funding the deficit left by him performing these stunts.

  6. Anyone who lives in Denver knows that as time has gone by the bussing of migrants to Democrats States has proven to be unfortunately effective. It’s had the result of causing most the agencies and resources from the state to support them to run dry way earlier in the year. Now the state is having to divert money from other resources to cover the cost.

    It’s been really weird here the past year. Hearing the way so many people that were pro BLM and Pro Palestinian talk specifically about Guatemalans. Don’t even realize how much Boomer energy they’re showing

  7. And my CA federal taxes are partially sponsoring his antics by sending federal aide to FL.

  8. Gonna laugh my ass off at Floridian.magas who now can’t get their roofs replaced cuz all the labor was shipped out on their tax dollars

  9. Oh, come on! You can’t actually imagine he gives half a shit about the citizens of Florida (aside from the few hundred with enough money to matter to him!) The more they suffer, the more it “proves” that FEMA is a failure, that it’s all Harris’ fault, and that it would have been so much worse if he hadn’t blown all the disaster funds.

  10. All those migrants who DeSantis used Florida taxpayer funds to fly to Martha’s Vinyard are probably looking at America’s uncircumcised foreskin of a state right now and thinking “ya know, all things compared, Massachusetts really isn’t such a bad place to be in September and October.”

  11. Oh this guy doesn’t give a shit. His rich supporters will be fine, and as for the MAGA assholes who serve as his base… LOOK AN ILLEGAL ALIEN JUST ATE YOUR CAT!

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