The Opera Sancta in Germany, Stuttgart… I can see nothing wrong. It’s the highest form of art.

The Opera Sancta in Germany, Stuttgart… I can see nothing wrong. It’s the highest form of art.

by deeptut

  1. This looks actually cool unironically, i miss use of elaborate special effects in theatre

  2. Now do one with the prophet Mohamed to embrace our new cultural identity. Oh, you won’t? Yeah, I thought so. Fuck you!

  3. Yeah, I mean, it’s in line with weird christian art. Bosch and the rest, that’s our history.

  4. Hola, mi primo pequeño también tiene autismo. ¡Es lindo ver que la gente crea conciencia sobre las personas con esa condición! Te envío abrazos y besos.

  5. Catholics aren’t creating operas where they ridicule LGBTQ+ and if we did the outcry would be massive.
    I am getting tired of the degenerates. These cowards know that they are safe to insult us Christians and then hide behind their hate speech laws.

  6. Desecrating everything that is holy for the only religion you know will never fight back.

    So bold ! So brave !

    Next I want to see rabbi Goldstein furiously masturbating an Hindu priest while a drunk Mahomet is being carried on a palanquin by LGBT+ imams. Please, just do it !

  7. yawn 🥱… do a mohammed rollerblading naked and l actually believe you wanna push boundaries

  8. I bet whatever you guys want that the degenerates won’t do this shit with the Jews or the Muslims…

    I’m so tired of this shit and these people…

  9. I just fucking dare you, do it for (in ascending difficulty):

    * Jews,
    * Hindus (you could even use swastikas, what a throwback it would have been),
    * Muslims.

    Or at least go with this masterpiece to Northern Ireland and do it in poshest British accent.

  10. Some of the people in this post either are born with a broom permanently stuck up their ass or are fibbing, why the fuck are people shitting and crying over “the west has fallen millions must die” like some Weimar era Retrograde getting hard while watching Metropolis and blaming the Frankfurt School for it, are some of you fucking high or something?

  11. Interesting how many people here are like “HoW progREssive”, “WHy nOT MusLIMs”, “OF coURsE tHe oNLY RelIGioN nOt FiGHTing Back”, and all that.


  12. I don’t know about all the people complaining in the comments, but I’ll put this on my “watch on lsd”-playlist

  13. how did several people get severe nausea from this this isnt even that wild. definitely gonna buy tickets when it comes to vienna again it looks cool as fuck

  14. Tits, wine, half pipe shredding and rotating midgets. Looks fantastic. If only all european culture was this high brow.

  15. I do… I didn’t see a single man or his penis!!!!

    This is unacceptable and I am calling on all to ban the show untill they rectify and include many men!


    Or they could do a men’s only version… Actually let’s call for that!

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