Yeah, thanks, but I think we got this —

Posted by Distracted99

  1. Imagine being him showering after an event like this. Just sadly watching the orange goop drop into the drain under the shower head. Wondering when it’s all gonna catch up with you. What a sad fucking life this guy lives. Fuck this guy.

  2. I live in Aurora, and I drive dozens of poor and immigrant passengers every week. There is a violence problem in those communities and it’s one perpetuated against them by the Aurora police.

    We’ve got a lot of poor and desperate poeple living here and the people who abuse and demonize them ensure that they can never feel healthy, happy or safe.

    Maybe if we stopped declaring war against our most vulnerable friends and neihbors, we would do a better job of actually helping them.

  3. Instead of playing whackamole with every outrageous lie that Trump tells, can we finally just assume that everything he says is going to be bullshit and not pay him any attention?

  4. Trump guaranteed the gang members will be acquitted due to impossible fair trial

    And then republicans will use the next murdered civilian at the hands of these acquitted gang members, as proof Democrats are responsible

    I hate how stupid 1/2 of the people I know are

  5. I say we give Trumpty Dumpty a pistol and let him hunt the last gang member himself. Let him handle this “immigrant problem” personally. if the gang is as bad as he says it is, the results could be…….*cathartic*.

  6. I’m in Denver, Aurora had the best food in this state also only criminals around are the landlords.

  7. I am afraid Trump is at the stage where he should be put down by a good vet (veterinarian or veteran).

  8. I don’t know, trump looks awful brown, are we sure he isn’t the 10th member of the gang?

  9. I genuinely want to see how MAGAts would respond if Democrats and the liberal media started doing the same thing back to them?

    Like imagine if Kamala spent every single speech talking about how rural West Virginia had fallen to a massive outbreak of leprosy and that the Republican governor of West Virginia was doing nothing to stop it because he hates healthcare and wants all his citizens to die of plague. Cause that’s the liberal equivalent of what Trump is doing. Just making up shit about a nonexistent healthcare event and using that deranged conspiracy as a means to demagogue about doing Medicare for All or something. Kamala could say she’s gonna give everyone universal healthcare to “liberate” rural Americans from the imaginary deadly plague that has “invaded and conquered” them.

    I get the feeling the MAGA cinematic universe would have a problem if Kamala did that though. They wouldn’t take kindly to a Democrat just making up insane shit about them and repeating the lies and conspiracy over and over again. But somehow Trump can do it and get 47% of the vote. I swear MAGAts are the dumbest people on the planet.

  10. The only way those gang members have anything to be afraid of with Trump is if they are minors. Then his pedo super power will catch them.

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