The Grifting Cicada Cometh

Posted by Giants4Truth

  1. I get that you want more choices, you want viable 3rd parties and in most countries the Greens are usually a pretty good choice.

    But understand that if you vote for Stein, you’re voting for Trump, you’re voting for Putin, you’re voting for Russia over the US, you’re voting for the exact opposite of what you portend to stand for.

  2. The Green Party has zero chance to win a single Electoral Vote. Stein is a spoiler and anyone refusing to accept that has the intellectual capacity of a Trump voter. As Trump said himself, “I like her also, Jill Stein, I like her very much. You know why? She takes 100 percent from them.” Case closed.

  3. It’s honestly crazy to think this many people are willing to throw their vote away.

  4. Some necromancer named RasPutin summons Jill Stein once every 4 years in the last 8 months before an election cycle to disrupt the balance, sow doubt, induce ignorance and capture shortsighted minds.

  5. There’s a huge boost on Twitter for people supporting her right now, super cool that a huge social media network is controlled by a guy promoting trump winning and boosting shit like this and rampant antisemitism, and there’s no moderation at all

  6. I will never understand why you’d bet on a horse you know can’t and won’t win.

    I know what some might say, values or something along those lines, but even then wouldn’t you more closely align your values with a horse that has a chance, seems strange to me otherwise, knowingly picking a loser just does not make sense.

  7. Green party. The party responsible for the Iraq war AND ending Roe v. Wade! All so they can do absolutely nothing! Clowns can’t even win city council elections. 

  8. Voting for Jill stein is a wasted vote, folks. It literally means you are voting for Donald j. Trump. Do you really want that?

  9. She was personally rude and arrogant to my grandma over a decade ago at a League of Women Voters event!!!!

  10. The whole 3rd party thing is for fucking idiots. At least as it is now.

    Fuck your stupid little protest vote. Why bother getting dressed and going out to do/support something that has a 100% chance of total irrelevance?

    When/if the day ever comes where such a thing is actually viable that’s different. As is these guys *exist* for voter dilution. They’re basically write-ins.

    The party of Harambe.

  11. We seriously need ranked choice voting. We’re going the opposite way though. My state has an amendment to make ranked choice impossible. They tacked it into an amendment that makes it illegal for illegal immigrants to vote, which as we know is already illegal.

  12. My biggest issue with people complaining about third party voters is it comes off as people genuinely think that any Green voters or PSL voter would just automatically vote Dem if nothing else was available. As if voting for a Dem is the default state of any voter to the right of Christian fascism. But like, no? They could easily not vote. There is no guarantee that any single third party voters would vote for a Dem or Republican if anything else was available.

    Kamala has made it very clear: she is a capitalist. She will defend capitalism, she will not try and progress to socialism, and so what I am, a staunch socialist who does agree with capitalism, to do with that information? Ignore it? Pretend that somehow, someway she will magically get voted into office and go “just kidding, I also now see the destructive tissue that is capitalism which ties together all forms of inequality and bigotry together in society”? No, obviously she won’t. So why would I vote for her?

  13. How does anyone fall for this foolishness? Is there no fequirement to be on all state ballots if running for president? Some sort of support threshold? Being proud of voting for someone with zero chance of winning has to be right up there with the dumbest things you can ever do.

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