Caliphate of Deutchland

Caliphate of Deutchland

by veelez7

  1. It’s just a proof of concept, we’ll all have our own caliphate everywhere in a couple years, just like Aldi ❤️

  2. *people want to establish a caliphate, their own citizens get stabbed*

    “bUt tHiNk hOw tHe fAR riGhT WiLl gAiN vOTes”

  3. imagine seeing this and not immediately voting for a single issue party.

    islam is one hell of an issue, bros. believe me.

    signed, a turk

  4. I dont get this shit, even super lefties have to think this is a problem right? Being tolerant has to end somewhere? Why are these people not immediatly deported, they want Sharia in Germany.

  5. Why do you let them in while not letting in the ones who don’t want to replace the indigenous population? I guess I’m not the one to talk here…but yeah.

  6. So the Third World War is starting this time by “Germans” trying to cut our infidel European necks? Nice people spreading their shit. Congrats, fellow Germans.

  7. oh for fucks sake. theyre clearly demonstrating for a change of system to one which is absolutely not conform with our basic values and the fundamental law.

    how tf is this even allowed? commies demonstrating for a peoples republic or nazis for a thousand year reich are also not allowed to take their bullshit to the streets so why are these fuckers here?

  8. I walked out of the Savoy Cinema when I saw all the Police cars and I was immediately annoyed some dude brought his 4-6 year old daughters with him putting those scarfs on them while making them yell those paroles.

  9. Damn, like, for real, it’s scary. No wonder the far right wing is growing in europe. Next election the RN will lead my country for sure.

  10. Thing is: these people are like a lot of people in this sub. They see a problem but dont really understand it in a profound way. Then they listen to some charismatic people who promise simple solutions against those complex problems.

  11. Gets “securing the borders”: nationalist outlook +0.50 per day, pop growth -2.0% per week, core territory defense +10%.

  12. Just because the right vehemently opposes these people doesn’t mean the left embraces them.

    We are not opposite on everything just because we’re on other ends of the spectrum.

    Don’t point to the left and say “your fault” because centrist and right leaning parties also created the environment that allowed and allows this.

    All it does is sow devision on a stance we agree on.

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