Netanjahu an Guterres: Bringen Sie UNIFIL aus der Gefahrenzone, evakuieren Sie es jetzt

Netanjahu an Guterres: Bringen Sie UNIFIL aus der Gefahrenzone, evakuieren Sie es jetzt

  1. >”Your refusal to evacuate the UNIFIL soldiers makes them hostages of Hezbollah. This endangers both them and the lives of our soldiers.”
    >“We regret the injury to the UNIFIL soldiers and we are doing everything in our power to prevent this injury. But the simple and obvious way to ensure this is simply to get them out of the danger zone,”

    He’s not wrong. Looks like he further specified that he’s only talking about the combat zones too. He’s not trying to push the UN out of southern Lebanon.

  2. Good luck, Netanyahu. Trying to get something out of the UN is like asking a toddler to stop eating chocolates. It just will not happen.

  3. If those UN Peace Keepers had been doing their job, then there wouldn’t be a war. Seems like a crazy simple solution to this problem.

  4. Imagine this took place in Africa. An African army shot at UN soldiers twice and then said ”This is your own fault, leave if you don’t want to get shot” . We would have no difficulty seeing who the problem was.

  5. In other words, “get out or we will deliberately target you again and call it collateral damage whilst saying “I told u so””

    Also quite funny they call UNIFIL Hezbollah’s hostages when they were the one who deliberately targeted UNIFIL. Why would they attack their own hostages? It’s not like they have a history of injuring/killing their own hostages. /s

  6. If they can’t stop Hezbollah from attacking Israel constantly, then what good are they? They should just leave

  7. This whole “evacuate for your own safety” line rings hollow when you’re the ones intentionally (and not via collateral damage) making it unsafe. At least be honest and say “get out of the way or we’ll keep shooting you”.

  8. Lol check the accounts.

    The bot accounts attacking the UN are fucking hilarious.

    You’d have to be up there between fucked in the head and completely stupid to be blaming the UN soldiers.

  9. This guy is fucking nuts and honestly the fact that the whole world isn’t already against him is baffling

    Even people who support Israel realize that he’s a criminal

  10. If Netanyahu continues with the attacks on UNIFIL, NATO should respond by military intervention

  11. UNIFIL was supposed to enforce the peace between Israel and Hezbollah after the 2006 war, with a clear mandate: no Hezbollah activity south of the Litani River. But fast forward, and Hezbollah is operating freely in that exact area. While UN peacekeepers stand by, Hezbollah has built one of the world’s largest non-state arsenals and now fires rockets into Israel regularly. To many Israelis, it looks like the peacekeepers are just in the way, unable to stop Hezbollah’s daily missile attacks. It’s a frustrating reality for both sides, with a treaty that’s never truly been enforced. 

  12. Regardless of what you think of Netanyahu you can be certain that Guterres will do whatever benefits the terrorists more.

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