65 Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics: What We Saw in Gaza | 44 doctors, nurses and paramedics saw multiple cases of preteen children who had been shot in the head or chest in Gaza.

65 Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics: What We Saw in Gaza | 44 doctors, nurses and paramedics saw multiple cases of preteen children who had been shot in the head or chest in Gaza.


Posted by TendieRetard

  1. non-paywall archive [https://archive.ph/tv9km](https://archive.ph/tv9km) and I’m just fillling text because this sub demands that I use more text to keep post here.

    all the war crimes are always behind a paywall. The war hawkery, not so much.

    I don’t even know why this is in the “opinion” section.

  2. “One 4-year-old girl with major burns to her body was completely dissociated. She was staring out into space, humming a lullaby to herself. Not crying, but shaking and in utter shock.”

    My son is a little bit older than her, and he loves singing himself to sleep. At that age, you are communicative and have a sense of self while being at your purest form in terms of emotions. I’ve cried in my bed so many nights while reading and watching stories similar to this out of Gaza on my phone within the past year, and he caught me a few times, putting me to sleep with his lullibies.

  3. I really feel for all the children affected by this war. Even if the war stopped tomorrow there is already so much trauma in that part of the Middle East from over a century of conflict.

  4. No kids deserve to be victims of war. Damn Hamas, Iran, Qatar, and Russia for leading to their suffering. And damn the terrorist loving incels in this group who think Israel had any other choice.

  5. (Posted this as a comment bellow, posting independent as well) 

    This is exactly why they post this videos online: you’re basically watching snuff films, and connecting “emotionally” by projecting in-group associations (your kids, family, friends) on to unrelated strangers. 

    Then it goes through local cultural, and ideological reasoning.

    This is why people don’t care about statistics, or floor rates (every other MENA war has higher rates of this behavior), overlap (how many of these doctors are talking about the same cases), or the chance people are lying (they see Israel as an ultimate enemy, and every contemporary study we have shows in this context there is significant reason to believe they are lying, especially if they provide no evidence – and almost all deaths are from bombs, not gun fire) etc.

    It’s not worth arguing about, because these issues are based on pathology and groups think.

    Then they are based on internal, and external perceived reward. After that, they are based on assumed pathology based moral absolutism and self affirmation (I’m very good, you’re very bad: anything I’ve ever done is irrelevant, compared to you). 

    It’s just going to keep going on because, what’s going to stop it?  

  6. This is beyond words to me. Israel has lost any and all of its humanity care of Netanyahu. It disgusting, and no defendable. These doctors and nurses have seen things no modern society should endure.

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