🎰🎲 Found two together. That’s approaching lottery odds.

Posted by Zardotab

  1. They got their first grade education after graduating from kindergarten and think their are highly educated,

  2. Since this is from 2016 the man on the left looks like the prototypical Covid casualty. The beat red face, chubby, goatee. The wife may have been posting misinformation on her Facebook with Fauchi memes. Im sure they both did their research and died slathered in horse paste.

  3. We will decide if you two are educated, not you. You aren’t smart enough to decide on your own.

  4. Cute. Out there grinning like idiots and supporting literal Hitler language calling people “vermin” and “animals” so adorable

  5. They look like their entire family knows that he fucks his kids and she poorly tries to cover up for it.

  6. Both of these people look like they would let somebody access their bank account through their phone, using teams viewer.

  7. That shitty lower arm tattoo on a man that age make me wish I could bet some money that he’s exaggerating his level of education.

  8. Not that weird to see these together, considering they probably bought them together. Now finding them in the same place as the 1 other customer, that would be rare

  9. If you have to parade your intelligence to the public, or success, or frankly anything about you, you are, the opposite of what you claim.

    “I’m very smart!” = I’m not smart and extremely insecure.

    “I’m very successful!” = I am not successful.

    “I’m very popular!” = I have no friends.

    And so on and so on.

  10. Keep in mind, making it past 5th grade is considered uppity to MAGAts. Their definition of “educated” may not match standards used in the developed world.

  11. Good for you educating yourself! We’re so proud.

    Unfortunately, there’s book smart, and street smart.

    You failed the street smart portion of life.

    I can help you though, for just $99 you can take my quick and easy course…

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