‘The Kursk operation has become normalized:’ As Ukraine’s Russia incursion enters third month, Putin is trying to downplay it


by newzee1

  1. Imagine being more preoccupied with stealing someone else’s home you’ve rubble-ized than protecting your own nominal people and borders.

    Putin has his priorities about where you expect them, up his hindquarters.

  2. At this point you might as well call it the Sudzha operation. I would be surprised if a plan to proceed to Kursk even existed. Sudzha on the other hand is a town of 6000 people. I’m not sure what there is to downplay. Maybe just because people on this sub claim this is the most important frontier of the war doesn’t mean it’s true?

    Yesterday’s newsfeed: “President Zelensky says there were attempts to push Ukrainian armed forces in Kursk region, but they managed to held their lines”

    So now “holding the lines” seems to be the goal. After the other “tough battles” in this war, I interprete this statement this way: It’s one of those human wave battles again. UA soldiers are going to stay there and defend for as long as possible like every time. Eventually the situation becomes completely unbearable and way too many Ukrainian soldiers are wiped out, so many that you hear the lamentations in the mainstream news. Like every time. Then they withdraw and no one will be any wiser. Like every time.

    There may be more dead Russians than Ukrainians but UA never had a numeric advantage in manpower.

  3. I guess when the enemy you were supposed to just roll over in less than a month is kicking your ass 2 years later, you kinda have to downplay it or you’d have a revolt and be overthrown.

  4. Putin is looking pretty weak lately. First the complete circus when he lost Kursk, then the blood feud, then Israel bombing his base in Syria and Ukraine blowing up the 6 North Korean generals.

    The economy isn’t looking so good either, interest rate at 19% and the Rubble keep creeping closer to that magic 1/100 against USD

  5. Whats the current status of the deployment? The russian sent elite jnuts like the Radykobytes and the 810th Naval Brigade but dont know the situation the last 3 weeks

  6. The ability to ignore a disaster and just keep trucking KS honestly one of the biggest virtues of the Russian army. It hought it was crazy that Putin raised the stakes on himself by setting a date to repel the incursion. Historically, Putin and the Russian military just shrugs this shit off and pushes forward regardless of what better strategic sense would advise

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