In the first half of 2024 Argentina poverty hit a staggering 52.9%, forcing the country’s middle class to cut out expenses, including eating red meat, dropping subscription services, while also reportedly resorting to gambling to make ends meet…this is what libertarians call ‘success ‘…🔥

“Home to some of the world’s highest quality beef, the study also found that over one third of Argentines polled are spending less on meat. A cultural staple in the country,

     meat consumption is expected to fall to its lowest levels in the past 110 years, according to the Chamber of Commerce of Rosario, a city in Santa Fe, a major meat producing province. 

Experts attribute the drop in meat consumption to both tough economic conditions, as well as shifts in consumer preferences. …(right..)

For younger Argentines, the situation isn’t much better.

      One third of people aged 16 to 29 have either gambled or considered gambling to pay off debt or earn additional income, the poll stated. (The rate increases to 40% when considering only male respondents, and young males make up a considerable part of Milei’s core political base). ...(libertarians eh?……)

The economic turmoil could be taking a toll on people’s mental health as well.

    Seven in 10 respondents said they perceive “a notable worsening of emotional well-being or mental health among those around them.” This aligns with the 23% who have had to reduce spending on psychological therapy and mental health services, 
      while another 21% have cut back on medications.

If 65% have cut back on dining out, among those who voted against Milei it’s 80%, while those who voted for him can go as low as 40%. The perception of the deterioration is filtered by ideology……aka far right extremists libertarians tech bros crap semantics…

In the meantime check little Elon massively ransacking lithium from Argentina…..but hey…that’s what natural resources are for…to sell a country out so their corrupt breadcrumbs pickers can make money…🤑

Far right extremists libertarians tech bros ‘success ‘:…devastating a country and its people while the predatory practices and quickie profits go to the already obscenely rich….

So get ready Americans workers…we are getting there asap….’success ‘…..🔥….worse stats in 100+ years…..💀

In the first half of 2024 Argentina poverty hit a staggering 52.9%, forcing the country’s middle class to cut out expenses, including eating red meat, dropping subscription services, while also reportedly resorting to gambling to make ends meet…this is what libertarians call ‘success ‘…🔥
byu/BikkaZz ineconomy

by BikkaZz

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