Macklemore and Jill Stein after successfully installing a Trump presidency in protest of Kamala’s perceived foreign policy

Macklemore and Jill Stein after successfully installing a Trump presidency in protest of Kamala’s perceived foreign policy

Posted by sharkykid

  1. Yeah they dumb as hell. They know what they’re doing. Making her money while helping the trump campaign, by drawing votes away from Kamala. They don’t give a fuck about Palestine

    Edited: for clarification

  2. Americans keeping up the two party system with the motto “what am i suppose to do?”
    Imagine voting for hillary believing you are voting for change.

  3. If evil is when good people do nothing, then the Democratic Party is the means by which good people defend doing nothing. Why is it impossible to pressure a candidate to the left but the same candidate courting the neoconservative right is fine?

  4. these two are not the same:

    Jill Stein is on Putin’s payroll –not exaggeration, look into her funding.

    Macklemore is not seeing the bigger picture, but he’s not a bad guy…genocide is wrong, and he’s not wrong in that belief.

    she’s trash, but he’s coming from kindness –and they both endanger the US falling into Trump’s hands in very different ways.

    I think everything we know about what about the tortures and rapes and murders inflicted by the Israeli government on our dime, we should have removed the local government a long time ago, and it’s not too late to do so–that gives us the presence in the Middle East we want it so bad that’s currently funding the Israeli’s genocide of the Palestinians.

    we took it from the Palestinians to give to the Jewish people, now we’re just going to have to take it completely in order take responsibility for the genocidal mess we created.

    it needs to be done while there’s anybody left alive to do it for.

  5. I love that the Green Party ONLY comes around every 4 years for a couple of months before fucking off again.

  6. Tackle more supports lgbtqia which is what Trump doesn’t. Hartis is trying to save what’s going on in Palenstine butits not just black and white.

  7. Isn’t Trump entirely committed to Israel and will help them no matter what because of his SIL?

  8. Honestly if you vote green in this election it probably means you are so frustrated I don’t think they would vote either candidate no matter what.

  9. Liberals: after Harris is elected and they go back to not caring about minority rights after cynically using them as a bludgeoning tool against a population that’s being genocided *by* Harris.

    Edit: I have to add this for some of you guys to see. Trump is laughably running as the “anti-war” “peaceful dove” which the dems used to be until the last 2 election cycles. Biden just sent *American* troops to Israel. Harris and Biden are actively undermining themselves for Israel, they couldn’t hold off for a fucking month until the elections are over? No.

    If Harris loses it’s Harris and Biden’s fault when Netanyahu and friends in and out of the US are openly supporting Trump. Blaming the greens or macklemore is not rooted in reality.

  10. Meanwhile Kamala Harris came out in support of a “bi partisan” committee which she will have the chance to listen to “both sides”

    Meaning rather than listen to leftists issues, she allows herself to be influenced by the right… this y’all’s candidate?

  11. The majority of [Americans want another option](

    No shit people are over both republicans and democrats. Unfortunately for Dems, many of the people looking at third-party options like RFKjr, Stein, Oliver, and West have seen the kind of shit the blue crew slings at them: campaign infiltration, ballot access battles and endless lawsuits, uneven funding thresholds, constant smear campaigns (like this post)… and yes, republicans have absolutely done this in the past. But the Dems have been the tip of this spear against third-parties this cycle, while Rep’s haven’t messed with them at all.

    We have constantly been told either side are extremes for various reasons. We’ve been told to vote for the lesser of two evils, to vote AGAINST the candidate we think is worse rather than FOR the candidate that best represents us/aligns with us.

    Here’s an idea. How ab ALL actively running presidential candidates are given equal funding thresholds? How ab ALL of the candidates participate in the debates? If your candidate is the best, then make it an even playing field and let them convince the public to vote for them. Surely the better choice would rise to the top. But no, we can’t have that.

    And now, bc we choose to either not support one or the other, we’re automatically the bad guy. “A wasted vote” or “a proxy vote for the other candidate”… NEWS FLASH: everyone is entitled to cast their vote for what they feel is best and no candidate/party is beholden to anyone’s vote, that has to be earned.

    Belittling someone bc they’re not a fan of your party/candidate, or telling them they inherently side with the bad guy, or guilting them for not voting how you’d want is a sure-fire way to make sure they don’t want to be a part of your “team” and not vote for your candidate.

  12. I’ll never understand you fucks who blame the people using the tools at their disposal to try to pressure their government into stopping genocide instead of actually joining them.

    You do realize it’s only because of your participation that they can continue to do this? If democrats as a whole said nah, genocide is a red line, then Kamala would be forced to change her position.

    It’s your fault if trump gets elected because you’ve stood by genocidal leaders, not theirs for sticking to their principles and basic humanity

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