On the Sandy Row side of the Boyne Bridge / Durham St in Belfast. ‘Touch this bridge beware’. It’s set to be dismantled as part of development for the Grand Central station. It’s closed for 12 months. | [BBC’s Claire Graham on Twitter]

On the Sandy Row side of the Boyne Bridge / Durham St in Belfast. ‘Touch this bridge beware’. It’s set to be dismantled as part of development for the Grand Central station. It’s closed for 12 months. | [BBC’s Claire Graham on Twitter]

by kharma45

  1. I would also be pretty peeved if it was the original bridge, because I like historical monuments, but this bridge is younger than some of my relatives.

  2. I wonder who they buried under it. Anyway, it seems like the height of irony (again) that they would be so obsessed with their wee bridge, named as it is after a river in Ireland (that strange, foreign country) an anglicized version of “An Bhóinn” derived from Bó Fhionn meaning white / blonde cow and being linked to an Irish myhtological saga concerning the Godess Boann.

    All very non christian and deeply taigy.

    Then again I’m sure Ruth Patterson and many other loyal scholars could explain to us how these early celtic mythological sagas are just a metaphor for Protestants who came here thousands of years before anyone else. In the same way she considers St. Patrick to be an ex-protestant. It all makes sense. And they should definitely continue to oppose the Irish language and all Irish culture because those first settlers spoke Ulster Scotts anyway (aka the language of the ancient yins).

  3. Imagine being the UAHS and aligning yourself to this ‘cause’. I’m baffled by their actions.

  4. Can they not just promise to stick the word “Boyne” in the name whatever bit of infrastructure that replaces it?

    Lads it was 334 years ago, move on.

  5. Aw man, you can see where they’ve misspelled it and corrected on the D.

    Did they try to write BRIGGE or BRIGDE 😭

  6. Just rebrand it the ‘Peace Bridge – crossing the divide between nationalist west Belfast and loyalist Sandy Row’

    They’ll have it torn down with their bare hands overnight.

  7. loyalists are so weird it’s a fucking bridge lads. i doubt any regular moderate unionist gives half of a fuck about this.

  8. Will people please think of the poor trolls and billy goats, gruff or otherwise, that will be affected by the loss of their habitat

  9. Bridges cross roads, rivers, railway lines.

    Bridges also cost money to maintain.

    When there aren’t any roads, rivers or railway lines beneath then, of course, it should be removed to prevent the costs of ongoing maintenance.

  10. People in Sandy Row whinge about traffic but also threaten public works in the area. Troglodytes

  11. Unionism loves losing pointless battles. Dismantle the entire bridge, not having these bigoted thugs cause disruption.

  12. Waiting for “No fair picking on the loyalists, republicans are just as thick , it’s so typical – this sub is biased”

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