Orbán droht, sich mit der Hilfe für die Ukraine anzulegen, um Trump zu helfen

Orbán droht, sich mit der Hilfe für die Ukraine anzulegen, um Trump zu helfen


  1. Oh, Orban has threatened EU but I think EU can really slap Hungary if it want to and I hope that will be soon.

  2. just put hungary in quarantine until they solve this guy’s case, no eu money, no vote for nothing, no schengen

  3. The EU needs to let Ukraine destroy the gas and oil pipelines. It wouldn’t be long before Orban would have his bowl out begging for scraps from the EU.

  4. Eventually when he’s buried in the cold, hard ground, I will travel the 1.5 thousand miles from here to his grave so I can piss on it.

  5. Just like every other bad actor on the planet. Donald Trump has had more handholding than any other human in history.

  6. It’s ok Victor, we haven’t forgotten you’re a horrible gaping asshole, we don’t need reminders every few days. Take some time off, relax, your reputation isn’t going anywhere.

  7. I mean, he’s got to do something INSANE to be anything impactful in the next 22 days. Aid is really only affected by scandals (IN THIS INSTANCE ONLY) unless he has a stronghold on Ukranian essentials. We have to brace for the next 3 weeks of absolute batshit projection/guilt tripping digital media has seen yet.


  8. Ruined the EU when these east European countries were let in. Now Albania is in line to join. Glad uk left

  9. At what point do we start treating this fucked up country like we do Russia? They are literally their ally. Saying this as a European who is in the EU with them.

  10. Dear Hungarian people,

    If you could please deal with this issue, and also make sure to not elect fascist assholes to power again, we’d be very glad.


    Rest of europe

  11. We need to fight Orban. Please let’s take his EU support and remove his voting right or something.

    This shit can NOT be allowed to continue.

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